A. M. Anisul Huq

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since Aug 11, 2009
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Recent posts by A. M. Anisul Huq

The following two lambda expressions are the same:

This one is using a block statement, while the next one:

is using an expression.

I know that a Java expression consists of variables, operators, literals, and method calls. On the other hand,  each statement is a complete unit of execution.
I also know we can convert an expression into a statement by terminating the expression with a ;. These are known as expression statements.
But I am little unclear as to how all these work?

4 years ago
I am running IntelliJ Idea (2019.3.1) Ultimate Edition. I would like to run
RMI client server applications on IntelliJ. I would like to create RMI stub and
RMI skeleton without using command lines every time I run a new RMI application.
I can't seem to find any step by step instructions for this.

Can anyone please help me.

4 years ago
I am running IntelliJ Idea (2019.3.1) Ultimate Edition. I would like to run
RMI client server applications on IntelliJ. I would like to create RMI stub and
RMI skeleton without using command lines every time I run a new RMI application.
I can't seem to find any step by step instructions for this.

Can anyone please help me.

4 years ago

Stephan van Hulst wrote:What is core Java in your definition? JavaFX is not part of Java's core.

I know this. However as JavaFX might be the future, that's why I preferred it. If you have any good suggestions
about GITHUB project (even if its not JavaFX), then please suggest.

5 years ago
Hi guys,
I know how to write code in Java (basic and intermediate level). However, I have very little experience in looking at other peoples' code (experts) and understanding those. I know this is very much required in the industry. I would like to understand how architectures, e.g. MVC and design patterns are implemented by experts.

Therefore, I am asking your recommendations for existing GITHUB projects for learning. I would like to look at a project with the following properties:

1. Built with CORE java. It should have some sort of GUI (preferably JavaFX).
2. Followed some architecture and design patterns.
3. It can be a game for example.
4. It should have at least some documentation.

I have searched GUTHUB projects and too much choice has overwhelmed me. Please provide your valuable suggestion so that I can at least start somewhere.

5 years ago
I am new to JavaFX. Though I understand what's happening in the following code, one thing baffles me.
The method getHBox() is referenced from start() method without any object creation. How can a
non-static method be invoked this way?

If I do something like this, i.e. create an object and then call objectName.getHBox(), the exact same results

What is going on in these two cases?


5 years ago
What is the price of OCA Java SE 8 now?
Hi, please look at the code:

Well, this program should show error (as b is assigned 420). Instead, it runs correctly and gives the following output:

420 111

11 years ago
I am planning to take the OCPJP 6 exam very soon. But I am a little confused with the syllabus.
Are topics such as;

search using quantifiers,
pattern matching,
scanner class,
regular expressions --- included in the syllabus?

Where can I find the syllabus in details?

Hope to hear from you guys soon.

Now, can anyone tell me about Oracle Education's Live Virtual Classes? Because, in most cases, it is difficult to get schedule for classroom training. Are they as effective as instructor led classroom training? Can you ask questions during the the Live Virtual Classes? How about the Self Study Course material .... what do you guys think about them?

I need your opinions. Hope to hear from you soon.

I was thinking of taking the "Business Component Development with EJB Technology, Java EE 6" certification exam. Is it enough to have OCJP 6? Or, do I need industry experience with EJB before I start studying for this certification?

Now, please tell me about the Live Virtual Classes? Because, in most cases, it is difficult to get schedule for classroom training. Are they as effective as instructor led classroom training? Can you ask questions during the the Live Virtual Classes? How about the Self Study Course material .... what do you guys think about them?

Hope to hear from you soon.

The following code:

has an output 4. Why? Why isn't it 2? What happens to the return statement inside try?
11 years ago