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Mark O' Sullivan

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since Aug 17, 2009
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Recent posts by Mark O' Sullivan

Does anyone know of a java library or jar file available to convert webm video files, that are currently used on youtube, to another format say mov or flv for example? Basically a decoder for the webm video format? I'm currently using the Java Audio and Video encoder (JAVE) tool for converting video files, which is excellent, but its last stable release was 2009 and therefore does not support the the new vp8 video stream. Looked around web but couldn't find any and looked at the file format looks fairly complex and difficult tool to build. Cheers.
12 years ago
Just have 2 quick questions about pseudo-streaming video files in java. Firstly if I pseudo-stream video files does that mean they are not downloaded to the users computer and the action takes place on the server? Secondly is there any way of implementing this using the apache tomcat server, I have read the following topic:
which says it can be done.
Can it be server-side configured like it is done with the lighttpd server, which allows a server configuration setting to allow pseudo-streaming to take place. Currently using the flash player for videos.
Thank you.
12 years ago
Be nice, if there was a package that could insert keyframes at regular intervals within the file. Not sure if this is possible, the video metadata probably would need to be updated as well. So modification be very useful, but any suggestions definately would be great, only know the JAVE one. Trying to see if pseudo-streaming is possible here, thanks.
12 years ago
Wondering is there a good java class/package to deal with video files? I have used the java audio and video encoder package, just wondering is there an alternative to this?
12 years ago
I'm currently trying to do a video convertor to convert say a video file from a mov to a flv one, using the JAVE convertor classes but I have noticed that it seems to detect very few of the video details metadata. Have people experience using the tool? Wondering if the tool cannot detect the source video bitrate or framerate do people just set default values, because the default values set by the classes set methods appear very low. I've also noticed that if I use the flash media encoder to encode the mov file to the flv file format, within flash 4, I can detect the video bitrate and sample rate while the JAVE convertor cannot do the conversion and requires values to be set for the set methods otherwise it submits its own and these are very small. Is there any alternatives to the JAVE that could be better? Would really appreciate peoples opinions, thank you.
12 years ago
Just wondering is there a way of streaming quicktime video content on a web-page to avoid it being downloadable? I know about the html tags, object, embed etc, but the issue with this is that the video is totally downloaded to client beforehand in browser for embed tag, say. Is it possible to get a movie player on the client side to stream quicktime video content say through servlet code? I'm trying to avoid quicktime real-time servers, for example, and just wondering can this be done through java code? I've looked at the jmf stuff, is this a possibility, though I heard there are a lot of problem with applets on client-side. Any ideas, don't know if this is possible, but would love some suggestions.
Any chance this could be a Serializable issue?
13 years ago
Thanks Tim. I have those error checks in my servlet that calls the class to stream the audio, but no errors are created. There's no problem running the project on my local Pc and the sound plays grand in the application, it's just when accessing the web-site from different PC, it is like the file is not loading and playing, I get no sound. Is there any chance it is an issue with the sound player used by the package "javax.sound.sampled"? As regards not being a good idea, any other alternatives or suggestions are extremely appreciated, thanks very much.
13 years ago
Thanks Akhilesh,
I've tried that package, thanks for advice, the only works up to 16 bit audio, no problem with the Java Sound API. I have audio streaming on my localhost computer on my localhost website but now I have an issue when I try to point to the file from a different pc, meaning trying to access the web-site from a different computer through the web, nothing is happening I can't get the sound file to play. I have a servlet like this to point to the file

And a class to run this file, but no sound plays when trying to access file, from different PC through ip address of hosting PC. This does load and play on the Pc where the sound file is hosted, by using localhost.

This could be a generic issue just as well. Any help much appreciated.
13 years ago
I'm currently using the package to play audio files in my application composed of servlets and jsps, code would be something simple as follows in my servlet

My application has a number of tabs, the tab for playing audio for example, is called audioPlay and contains the code above. My problems are:
(1) selecting a different browser tab, while audio is playing, within my application, the audio still continues playing, I cannot stop it.
(2) Selecting the back browser on the web application, while the audio is running, the audio doesn't stop and is still running.
I've seen on a number of web-sites that clicking on a song title, goes into a servlet and plays the song in background which is what I have presently, but when they do steps 1 and 2 above within their website, the audio stops but doesn't in mine, are there any suggestions about how to solve this? I need to call Audioplayer.player.stop(as) at some stage, would using a class with static variables and start and stop options be a possibility? I hope I have made my issue clear or could this be an issue with the cache-control header? Thanks for any help returned.

13 years ago
I'm after discovering that the bookmarking is working in other browsers apart from FireFox, for example, opera, chrome, etc. Very strange one, but seems to be a browser related problem, FireFox is the one I usually use for testing. Thanks very much for all your help.
13 years ago
I'm developing an application and deployed the war file for testing under Apache. I have my doGet and doPost methods set up properly but when I bookmark a page that uses a doGet method in the servlet, I cannot access that servlet for some reason. Let me explain. I can access my page like this through the application but when it is bookmarked and I try to return to it, it gives me page not found even though my doGet method starts like this in the servlet.

Any idea what could be the issue?
13 years ago
I'm trying to match the string "[url=",following by any character any number of times, followed by "[/url]", but I can't get the following to work.

I've tried to match all the special characters, but keep getting the following error, invalid regular expression, unclosed character class. Any ideas why I might be getting this error.
13 years ago
Thanks very much for the advice. I ended up using synchronized methods and generated a unique number for each row in table. Thanks for your honesty, has saved me a lot of heartache.