For Andor Nemeth:
Question 10:
Could you please tell us how "deep" questions could we expect on the SCBCD 5 exam?
For example: I've just understood how interceptors work. Should I memorize also the deployment descriptor tags, or it's ok if I know what can I do and where?
Depth of the questions, as I answered in Question 9, difficulty between 3 - 4 ==> Only important DD should be memorized, i.e. don't think they will ask about the some not commonly used tag with some attributes, usually the common, and it is not that much in exam
Question 11:
I just wanted to download the 10 sample questions from Sun but they aren't available right know
Should we expect source code snippets? What kind of?
Code snippets is expected in lots of questions, but not for you to write, but as a case and you are asked question regarding this code snippets.
Regarding the sample 10 questions, they should be available, and I recommend while you are taking them to take a screenshot for questions and answeres for all the 10 question to return to them whenever you want.