Vinnibabu singu

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since Aug 19, 2009
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Recent posts by Vinnibabu singu

Hello everyone,
can we deploy ejb2.0 applications in weblogic server 10.3?
As i am used to deploy ejb 2.0 based applications in weblogic 8.1
I found that there is a lot of difference between weblogic 8.1 and 10.3
there is no weblogic builder in it to create the meta-inf folder automatically.
Can we deploy the ejb2.0 app directly or should we make any corrections to the code
for it to be able to deployed in weblogic 10.3?
please reply?
thanks in advance
15 years ago
thank you very much
15 years ago
Hello everyone,
I wanted to writte a program to print prime numbers between two given numbers.
The range of numbers should be given through command prompt.
like if we give

> java primeno 4 20

it should display the prime numbers between 4 and 20

I wrote the following code for it

no numbers are being displayed.
please tell me where the problem is and correct it.
thank you
15 years ago
Is there any other way to create the xml descriptive files to deploy into weblogic server?
15 years ago
WEBLOGIC BUILDER IS used to generate the xml descriptive files for the application......
15 years ago
Hello everyone.....
I downloaded Oracle weblogic server10.3 for deploying ejb applications
I thought weblogic builder will is a part of weblogic server.So i dint try to download to seperately.
When i couldnt find weblogic builder tool in the downloaded installation package,I tried to download it but couldnt find
any source.Can anyone give the link to download to download weblogic builder
15 years ago
HIii guys,

Can anyone tell me what is the command to view the methods of an inbuilt java class
for example,methods in Integer class through command prompt.
It would be very helpful to me.
15 years ago
Thank you guys.I finally got it.Thanks for all your help..

photo.length works without type casting it into integer type.
I just used the type 4 drivers .
I opened the control panel-> administrative tools->system dsn->add->
gave name :Ora
and username(of the database):system
@ Balu:
I downloaded the jar file.Where should i place it?
Should i set the classpath to it?


jdk will just have the interfaces of the driver classes .The actual implemented classes will be provided by the database vender .
These classes will be loaded into your system on installation of the databases ex: oracle into your system only.You can find these classes in the drivers folder some where in your oracle folder .
Actually I never used Oracle driver.
I am using Oracle 11g .I created a System DSN by configuring Oracle driver.But still an exception is being raised that it could nt recoginze the driver.
Do i need to install any additional drivers to use Oracle driver?
Thanks alot for your answers....

@Scott selicoff

using photoStream.available() actually raised the same exception i think the exception may be not due to that parameter.

@ Tim

I am using jdk 1.6 and Microsoft Odbc for oracle
Thanks for your replys guys...

I tried converting photoStream.length() in to int by writing


it gave the exception and the message
"unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested"

and also wouldnt photo.length() return an int value?
I tried it (inserting into a single column table ).Its giving the same exception
Can anyone just try to run the code in your system once and tell me whether it is raising an exception or not.
Because i have a feeling that my system never does well with images.

select top 100 * from foo order by newid()

when tried to execute it .its giving an error that " from keyword not found where expected"