Khurram Akhter

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since Oct 08, 2001
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Whenever you enter any value through command line. its in a form of string and Storing (String[]args) -----> there...
so, if you want to print these words...just write..
System.out.println("The Values are "+args[0]);
If you enter more then one values just put a loop in your code, like
for (int i=o;i<args.lenght;i++) {>
System.out.println("The Values are "+ " " + args[i]);
Bye Happy Coding...
23 years ago
If you want ot generate Random Numbers from 1 to 50 so,
you should write in a way
Starting No+Math.random()*Difference
for e.g,
int i = (int)(1+Math.random()*50);
system.out.println("Random Numbers are"+i);

so, the numbers are generated Randomly
23 years ago
I made an array
int []aa = { 1,5,2,6,7,9,8}
I want to sort this array with the help of for loop, so what
should i do now....
23 years ago