Damilola Okuboyejo

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since Aug 21, 2009
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Recent posts by Damilola Okuboyejo

Try launching eclipse with the following flags: -clean -clearPersistedState

If the above still doesn't work, delete and and then restart eclipse.
10 years ago

Rob Prime wrote:

Damilola Okuboyejo wrote:

Rob Prime wrote:

Damilola Okuboyejo wrote:d@

Please UseRealWords. It took me a minute to figure out you meant "that".

thanks Rob
and sorry about the short-code ''d@''
got d clarification.

What makes you think that, if "d@" isn't accepted as a replacement for "that", that "d" would be acceptable as replacement for "the"? You haven't even read the UseRealWords page, have you?

Sorry again

did you try the access using the super-class in other version other than JDK6 uipdate 20?
I have seen this work on earlier version but just want to clarify that
14 years ago

Andrew Monkhouse wrote:

Vishal Kashyap wrote:C# is also a platform Independent language

It's only truly platform independent if you count Microsoft Windows XP as a different platform to Microsoft Windows 7 and they are both different platforms from Microsoft Windows Vista ...

Try and get a copy of the Microsoft .Net CLI for any non-Microsoft platform: not going to happen. The best you can hope for is the independently created Mono and DotGNU systems. And even then you have to hope that these independent developers have implemented enough of the Microsoft .Net CLI to meet your needs; and that they have either developed a release for your platform or that you can compile it yourself on your platform; and that they have not infringed on any of Microsoft's IP (which could get them shut down).

As others have mentioned, there are some really good things about C#, and different requirements call for different tools.


I work with Java and also with C#, and really both have their unique flavors
to say one is better another WELL would mean you're missing something
Mono Project and done a wonderful job and they've been so FAR consistent
14 years ago

abalfazl hossein wrote:

This code thorws an exception in this line:Arrays.sort(array);


the syntax looks ok, but for the main method
guess the exception ws NoSuchMethodFoundException


import java.util.Arrays;

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] argv)
int i;
int array[] = {12,9,4,99,120,1,3,10};

for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++)

14 years ago

Rob Prime wrote:

Damilola Okuboyejo wrote:d@

Please UseRealWords. It took me a minute to figure out you meant "that".

I'll have a counter example that does show the difference between protected and default access:

Protected members can only be accessed on instances of the sub class, not on instances of the super class. Because I changed the reference type (and actual type) it started working.

thanks Rob
and sorry about the short-code ''d@''
got d clarification.
Guess this is an improvement in JDK6 update 20, because the ealier code used to work in previous versions, using the super-class reference to access the protected member, since it's the original owner of the resource
14 years ago

Avishkar Nikale wrote:There is an example on page 35 in SCJP Study Guide by Kathy & Bert which can help you understand this.

Hi Nikale

I actually understand very well the concept of protected.
i noticed d@ observation while working with JDK6 update 20
protected member were restricted to just the package
14 years ago
Hi All,

Really which Bert and Kathy are reading this!!
I noticed in JDK6 u20 d@ protected behaves just like default access (package private). Instance data with protected access can't be accessed outside of their package even NOT by a class instance member that has is-a relationship with the hosting class
Please anyone d@ has worked with JDK6 u20 should verify this


package here;

public class Utility
protected int resource;

package one;

import here;

public class Test extends Utility
public static void main(String[] argv)
Utility ut = new Utility();
ut.resource = 67; // ERROR resource can't be accessed outside of its package
14 years ago
Hi All,

Really which Bert and Kathy are reading this!!
I noticed in JDK6 u20 d@ protected behaves just like default access (package private). Instance data with protected access can't be accessed outside of their package even NOT by a class instance member that has is-a relationship with the hosting class
Please anyone d@ has worked with JDK6 u20 should verify this


package here;

public class Utility
protected int resource;

package one;

import here;

public class Test extends Utility
public static void main(String[] argv)
Utility ut = new Utility();
ut.resource = 67; // ERROR resource can't be accessed outside of its package
14 years ago
C:\Users\A2O4 Mutinationals>asadmin start-domain
Starting Domain domain1, please wait.
Default Log location is C:\Sun\AppServer\glassfish\domains\domain1\logs\server.l
Redirecting output to C:/Sun/AppServer/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/server.log

Domain domain1 failed to startup. Please check the server log for more details.
CLI156 Could not start the domain domain1.
15 years ago
First this section is for Qs on Servlet

Abtraction is a concept of client code to focus on services an object is rendering rather than how the object perform its service implementation
Encapsulation is a concept of object wrapping its state and behavior within itself, i.e from outside world
i am also preparing for my SCWCD after working with SCJP5 for 2 years.

I have gotten the HF Servlet & JSP

my Q is should i just zero my mind on this book alone?

thanks for your prompt response
