Kartik Tal

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since Aug 21, 2009
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Recent posts by Kartik Tal

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to acheive below requirement.
Where I need to get one value(changes frequently) from one webpage so that I need to show that value in another webpage.
For example from test1.com there is a value called 90, which i need to pull from there and need to display in test2.com

Realtime example: www.xe.com here we are having currency rates, where i need to pull one USD to INR price and need to display it in my page.

Hi Salvin,

It will work where we are having this kind of functionality in Java by using Document builder and parser.

8 years ago
Hello All,

I am looking for a code where we can read all the xml files in a given folder and convert them to a single csv file.

8 years ago

Is there any place where we can test online for JSP tags, as my requirement is in my jsp i am using taglib of html like
<html:text property="txtSearch" value=""/> which in return converting as <input type="text" value="" name="txtSearch"></input>. So need to keep hands on with other tags, hence trying to find if we have any online link/tool where i can test them.

And also a good link to find the parameters which we can keep in the html taglib like<html:text property="txtSearch" value=""/> for this html what all parameters i can use.

9 years ago
Hi All,

I am having a code with the below line, so trying to find out what exactly does the dollar symbol mean and refers to.


9 years ago
Hello All,

I would like to certify on Springs, so I wanted information like do you have any links which are having repeated questions.
And how much percentage of questions will be repeated? does the exam will be tough or easy.

13 years ago
Hi anyone could let me know a free webhosting site for Tomcat server as I need to deploy my struts application.

Previously I had used www.EATJ.com which is a free one but right now its not free, so please suggest some other sites.

14 years ago
Hi Ulf,

I forgot to mention I already tried with that but no luck.

14 years ago
Hi All,

Am sending an email using java mail api, in the body of the email i need to insert a new line. So how to do that.

Below is my code.

So in the body of the email I needed "REQUEST:<hello>HAI ERRRRRR</hello>" and in next line i needed "Error:Fatal".

Note: I can change to "text/html", but it is not able to recognise the tag <hello>so am getting output as "REQUEST:HAI ERRRRR"
14 years ago
thanks doug it worked for me....
From oracle also i inserted in this way

insert into student values('1','19/Apr/2010 17:24:59').

its giving the same error as "date format picture ends before converting entire input string"
after 6th line am getting the same format i needed but its in string only "19/Apr/2010 17:46:57".
While am inserting that string into database Oracle its giving an exception as "date format picture ends before converting entire input string".

Hi all,

I want to convert a string to Date in the format of "19/Apr/2010 17:46:57". Below is my code but this is not changing its giving in the format of "Mon Apr 19 17:54:39 GMT+05:30 2010"

Hi in my oracle database am having a column of type "DATE".

And I want to insert date in the format of "19/Apr/2010 17:46:57" using java. While am inserting in this format its giving an exception of "date format picture ends before converting entire input string".

How to insert in this format?

14 years ago
Hello All,

I needed a free website for hosting a small java application of Struts, previouly i used EATJ right now they are telling to pay for trial version also. So please suggest if there is any new one.

14 years ago