John Smith

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since Oct 08, 2001
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Recent posts by John Smith

Sandra Bachan wrote:Hello,
Apart from an interest in Quantum Physics, would also like to know more about Human Anthropology.
Can you recommend any simple books?

There is no such thing as "non-human" anthropology. Here is my recommendation:

14 years ago

Monu Tripathi wrote:Are these tests only for the troubled?

Everyone is troubled, and that's exactly what this web site exploits. However, unless you realize that the type of "psychoanalysis" you get there is meant as a joke, you may be a subject to a reverse placebo effect, meaning that you may be lead to believe that you are more psychotic than you really are.
14 years ago

Ernest Friedman-Hill wrote:He thinks it would not be a bad idea to try to counteract those effects somehow, although he doesn't say how.

It's not in this quote, but Warren Buffet supports progressive taxation, inheritance tax and estate tax, to level the playing field dominated by those who he refers to as the "members of the lucky sperm club."
15 years ago

Vishal Hegde wrote:Hi guys i have an ignorant side within me whenever i read some book i miss som evital words and do get confused later..Can anybody suggest me how to get rid of it or atleast minimize it and how to improvise my logical reasoning

What are the "som evital words"?
15 years ago
I was not impressed with "Avatar". It's "Platoon" for the 7-year old kids.
15 years ago
Don't I look handsome?
15 years ago

Vikas Kapoor wrote:I am planning to watch this weekend.
I checked on IMDB. It has 6.5 stars i.e. above average.

According to this, the average rating across all movies is 6.9, so "2012" is actually rated below average.
15 years ago

Greg Charles wrote:That is sort of creepy. Obviously, they're trying to get you to look at the ad in the first place with the bare legs. Then you'll think, hey, maybe if I die, sexy young girls will come to cry on my grave. But then by the content of the ad, that's supposed to my daughter. So, yeah, sort of creepy.

I'd also note that the girl is in the suggestive position. So, yes, there different angles in play here: pedophilia, necrophilia, and incest. I did some research, and found out that AccuQuote committed a significant amount of money into investigating what type of advertising content attracts the customers. Apparently, it's sex in all its variants. But we knew this already, didn't we?
15 years ago
While checking my Yahoo mail, I saw this ad:

My question is this. Does anyone find it odd that the grieving girl is wearing shorts to the cemetery?
15 years ago

Jyoti Vaskar wrote:

John Smith wrote:

Jyoti Vaskar wrote:what is that you most love?

Java, beautiful women, warm weather, and myself.

I'd make my question more specific!

What is that 1 thing you most love in your life??

I thought about this, and I have to say, what I love most is empty spaces. A more interesting question is, why do you ask? How would other people's preferences be relevant or helpful to you?
15 years ago

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:

John Smith wrote:What if the last name ends with an "es", such as Chaves? Would that be "Both Chaves' went to get coffee?"

Chaveses. At that point, I would reword the sentence to avoid the scenario entirely - just to avoid confusion.

I did some research, and I can confirm that there is no special treatment of words ending with an -es when making plural forms. So, if we have two persons with the first name is "Emeses" and the last name is "Parentheses", and follow the rules we've established so far, we would have this:

Both Emeses Parentheseses went to get coffee.

15 years ago

Jyoti Vaskar wrote:what is that you most love?

Java, beautiful women, warm weather, and myself.
15 years ago

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:In the event this is a serious question, just the last name would be made plural not both. For example "Both John Smiths went to get coffee."

What if the last name ends with an "es", such as Chaves? Would that be "Both Chaves' went to get coffee?"
15 years ago