M Iftikhar

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since Oct 09, 2001
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The voice conversation with Impulse has ended.
int i = 1234567899;
float j = i; //float will convert the value 1234567940 0r 1.23456794E9
// (int) j; this will convert the 1234567940 into 1234567930
// finally the result will be 12345678899 - 1234567930 = -31(approximately)
Basically the compiler will not convert the accurate value from float
to int because the this is explicit narrowing conversion evan though the
value is in the range.
that why you will get the unexpected result.

There are two methods of sorting .
1 Bubble sorting
2 Internal sorting
Following is the procedure of internal sortting
int i=0,j=0,temp=0;
for(i=0 ; i < aa.length() ; i++){
for(j=i+1; j<=aa.length() ;j++){
if(aa[i] > aa[j]){
aa[i] = aa[j];
aa[j] = temp;
Note :
Not sure aboout the method of aa.length() or aa.length

23 years ago