Hello Henry,
thanks for the reply.
I'm building an application that adds labels with images and/or text to a panel at runtime, drags them to wherever we want and change some properties.
For now I just need to insert labels but I'm thinking ahead and trying to do a "universal" inserter for all JComponent subclasses, and all of them to be "dragable" and "changeable". For that I made an interface that as a method called getElement() that return a generic subclass of JComponent.
I could extend the mouse listeners on this interface but I don't want to be able to access directly the mouse listeners methods through objects that implements that interface.
Thus, I wanted to make an abstract class that could extends any subclass of JComponent and make some kind of MouseAdapter, and those that extended this abstract class would override the methods that were needed.
Since it's not possible, I'll make a class that extends JLabel, or any other subclass of JComponent, that implements all those interfaces.
thanks again for the reply.