syed samad

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since Oct 10, 2001
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dear fan mo
its very easy to run j2ee, first of all as u said that u r
using windows 2000, so u don't have to write
in ur autoexec.bat file, these r environments variables,
the best way to write environments variables in windows 2000 or windows nt is,
right click to my computer on ur desktop
click properties
click the 'advance' tab and u will see enviroment variable button
click it
a window will come click new button a small window come
write JAVA_HOME in texfield 'name'
write c:\jdk1.3 or path u have in textfield 'value'
write J2EE_HOME in texfield 'name'
write c:\j2sdkee1.2.1 or path u have in textfield 'value'
and write this in ur autoexec.bat file
remember ur ram should be 128 or more
set path=%path%;%JAVA_HOME%\BIN;%J2EE_HOME%\BIN;
hope this will work

syed samad
please clear me the difference b/w bean & ejb.
i was told that bean are like COM in microsoft and ejb are like
if i use simple bean in my network application and used it throug
RMI than it is also ejb, as i am using this bean as distributed
please clear my point, i am new to ejb
also advice me how to start ejbs
abdul samad