Neha Sawant

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since Oct 11, 2001
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Recent posts by Neha Sawant

yes Chintan
that did really help
Anymore difficulty i will come back.
I will now start reading books.
Starting with Core Servlet/JSP
Thanx once again
a small question though it might sound very silly.
when i go to tomcat 4.0 downloading site ,they ask me to choose bet binary and source code.
when i choose binary it shows me a list of files and date last modified size etc.
How do i actually download it
thank you very much guys.
Chintan a special thanks to you.
Thanx Allan
What do i need to download other than jdk1.2.2.
I have absolutely no idea of servlets and jsp.How to write and run these programs.
So before that i am going to read and learn things and then do some programming.
So there is a long way to go.
I will need you guys on my way.
And i know that all the ranchers are always ready for help.
thanks in advance
Where can i find Miftah and Ken's notes .
Hi Friends,
I just passed my SCJP2 exam on 17th with 89%.
I am planning to take this SCWCD exam.
I wanted suggestions from you guys how to go about it.
I have absolutely no knowledge of which books to use and the various links for mocks and study notes.
I would really appreciate id some one could help me out with this.
Thanks in advance
Hi Friends,
Thankyou so much for your wishes, u made me feel as though i too am a part of this entire group.
Well the paper had a lot of IO questions(Constructors) you need to know then by heart.
i scored less in that even though i new all the constructors very well.
they had asked to choose two and according to me there was only 1 correct answer and i was forced to mark the wrong answer even though i knew it was wrong.
Questions on threads were easy and were not new to me as i had seen similar ones in the mocks.
Alot of Overidding/overloading questions.
I had 2 questions which were similar to jq+ questions.Very lucky infact.
But overall the paper was cool and the most important thing is to stay calm and give the exams.
Valentin gave me a good advice not to solve any mock the previous day that might increase or decrease your confidence.
I had my exam at 1pm but i reached there at 10 and since there was no one to take the exam they allowed me to start early.
It is good to go early, so that you get familar with the environment and the people out there.
This reduces your tension.
My advice to Sonir Shah to stay cool and give the exam ,it is not very tough as all the mock exam.
Thanks once again

23 years ago
Thanks Valentin
Very happy to receive first congrags from you.
You really helped alot and had patience to answer even to my silly question
23 years ago
Thanks Valentin
Very happy to receive first congrags from you.
You really helped alot and had patience to answer even to my silly question
23 years ago
Hey Guys,
Finally i passed with 89%.
I would not be able to achieve such a good score without you guys helping me and ofcourse jq+ too.
I am very happy but now at the same time i am feeling that i should have touched the 90 mark.
Anyway be happy with what you have.
Thanks again for all your help.
23 years ago
annoymous classes must not have extend and implements clause
then if they want to extend or implement any class or interface then how do they do it.
yes val thanks for ur advice
but i need something to do
and i have to pass it at any condition
Thanks Jose.
i am aware of that
yes val i had compiled
it gave me ; expected which made me confused.
anyway those statements are invalid.
But i had found something similar in one of the mocks can't recollect which one
thanks for ur help
i really appreciate it
any last minute tip
do u think solving any good mock at last minute will help.
can u mention any other mock besides Marcus green,jtips,javacaps,parikosh
fine val i will keep that in mind