ramy hassan

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since Sep 14, 2009
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I'm new in WEBstart and JNLP

i've delpoyed my application on tomcat and make the JNLP file and put the jar

and the jar running but not working

i press abutton on the GUI and nothing happend no action done

JNLP file :

15 years ago

Roshni Singhania wrote:Hi, I'm trying Java Web Start for the first time today. I installed Apache Web Server and tested it using "localhost" in my browser and it's running fine. I've written a jnlp file and an html page, which has a link to my executable jar file. The pages loads, shows the link, I download the jar to my desktop, but when I execute it, it just shows the GUI, not the data that it's supposed to read from a text file accompanying it. But that same jar files runs fine, shows the data also, when I directly run it from my computer (NOT through the web server).


i got the same problem and i don't know what's the reason please if any one can help me
15 years ago