Naveen puttu

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since Sep 15, 2009
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Recent posts by Naveen puttu

Im trying to use PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and replace a few enteries in my xml file . This XML file loaded using org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.This doesnt work for me . Anything that i might have missed

here is the properties file entry

It just picks queue from queue/partnerOrderNotification

Please help me out . This is killing me

13 years ago
This doesnt work for me . Anything that i might have missed

here is the properties file entry

It just picks queue from queue/partnerOrderNotification

Please help me out . This is killing me

13 years ago

Rahul Ba wrote:
Yes, Naveen I did the same thing, but again the same thing. It did not work. It's like browser keeps the page in session and that is shown to us.
Please let me know your opinion.


Can you post your code in here . And BTW you may want to invalidate the session . That Should help and add a check for invalidated session and see what you want to do about it (Just a work around if you approaching deadlines).

post your code in here anywayz
14 years ago

The above line returns the filepath as

It should ideally be

Why is that extra dot coming in the path

14 years ago

Rahul Ba wrote:
I am forwarding to log out page by using following line

<a class="topNav" href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/logout.html">Logout

Already, I do have following code in all jsp. but still when do browser back it shows me cached page.

response.setHeader("Pragma", "No-cache");
response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "must-revalidate");

Thanks once again


Why dont you try using this

The forward method of RequestDispatcher will forward the ServletRequest and ServletResponse that it is passed to the path that was specified in getRequestDispatcher(String path). The response will not be sent back to the client and so the client will not know about this change of resource on the server. This method is useful for communicating between server resources, (servlet to servlet). Because the request and response are forwarded to another resource all request parameters are maintained and available for use. Since the client does not know about this forward on the server, no history of it will be stored on the client, so using the back and forward buttons will not work.
14 years ago

parampreet sethi wrote:You can try putting return after each forward and response.sendredirect method calls.

The forward and sendredirect method calls does not mean that the rest of the code will be ignored. Yesterday I was having the same issue and putting return after each sendRedirect and forward fixed this issue.

Hope it helps.

I tried that , as explained earlier . It works fine until the session times out . After that we are back to square one
14 years ago
How are you forwarding the control to logout.jsp
14 years ago
Did that , still NO GO
14 years ago
Here is the stack trace

By the way the control goes in this flow only at the moment

To add to the misery . The filter works perfectly fine once the server is restarted , but then throws this exception after a while (lets say when session times out )

I dont know whatz happening

14 years ago

Below is a servlet filter code

I get IllegalStateException if try to redirect or use RequestDispatcher . It says "Cannot forward after response is committed"

Please help

14 years ago
use colspan and its value should be equal to the number of columns you may would want to skip
Hello Everybody

I am using jquery ajax to fetch some data from the server . But then i experience some strange unexpected behavior

I have my session timeout set @ 5 minutes . So if a user tries to refresh the page or click on the existing link to fetch the data from the server then the app should be redirected to the login page (implementation specific)

What is happening now is very strange , browser is caching the call , data and returning back the data ever after the session is timed out . So i thought entry in ajax call might solve the issue , but then it doesnt help me as well

Even though the timestamp is appended to the url when cache is set to false , why is the call not reaching the server

How do i make sure that any ajax call hits the server after the session is timed out

Any inputs would be helpful

Guys ,

Atleast let me know if this is the limitation of JQuery
Can you please paste your code . It easy that ways