Nigel Chou

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since Oct 11, 2001
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Recent posts by Nigel Chou

Kumar Raja wrote:
2) RMH

Which book is RMH book?

Jingxian Zhou wrote:Yesterday,I passed SCBCD 5(310-091) with 98%(60/61).

I just want thank you guys at codeRanch and especially Mikalai Zaikin. His guide helped me a lot.

98分!? 你真行!
14 years ago
Did XQuery questions appear in the exam? Thanks.
Thank you, Bear Bibeault and Sebastian Janisch for your reply.

Sebastian Janisch wrote:You have the SCWCD, you should be pretty savvy on it. I mean at least that's what people will expect if you show off your certificate ;-)

I got the certificate 3 years ago and did not do anything about J2EE since then.
15 years ago
I am a Java developer. I do not have much experience on web app front end development, but now need to prepare for a job interview which mostly requires JSP, HTML, css and Javastript. I know EL and JSTL is important, but do I need to prepare about custom tag developemt, since my time is limited?
15 years ago
I understand java.util.Vector is thread-safe in J2SE. How about in Vector and Hashtable in J2ME? I did not find any documentation about this.
Thanks in advance.
[ February 23, 2007: Message edited by: Nigel Chou ]
17 years ago
I think you may try to use <%@ taglib prefix="c" tagdir="......"%> instead of <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="MyVersion"%> And remove anything about it in TLD and DD
1. It is not errata. Pls check with p678 "IMPORTANT: The Container's rules for ordering filter". Mapping <url-pattern> goes first, then <servlet-name>.
2. It is not errata. It says Which ... pattern, not patterns.
3. It says Which design pattern is.., so it has a single option. Furthermore, can Transfer Object improve client performance through caching?

Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
For which servlet?

For the servlet that the current .jsp is translated to.
18 years ago
It seems that DD only provides mechanism for Listeners to work for the whole application, instead of some specified Servlet. Am I right?
If it is true. I feel it is a flaw, since sometimes you may want you ServletRequestListener to work not on every request to all the Servlets in the application. It is inefficient.
18 years ago
Why do we have page since we have pageContext?
18 years ago
Using ${initParam.paramName}, you can get context init parameter. But how to get Servlet init parameter using EL?
18 years ago
Thank you guys. I am not sure whether EJB technology has changed since 2003.