praneeth ram

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since Sep 21, 2009
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Recent posts by praneeth ram

Hi All,

Is anybody know the exact flow of javascript functions excution. I have Three methods as below.

in any javascript the above functions will execute without order. now i want to make the above functions execution in a sequence. if any one knows please reply.

Hi All,

I want to enable/disable save button after 8 fields validation in my page.
I have old technique:- that is keep a boolean flag for every field(in our case 8 flags), update corresponding field(when the fileld is valid/invalid) and check, if all the flags are true then only "enable/disable" save button.

My question is do we have any better approach, like using one variable.

I am very thankful for any suggestions/solutions.

Hi All,

I have a number var num=1.234 i want to take the numbers before and after the dot i.e 1 and 2, save it in two variables like before=1,after=2, how can i achieve this. please help me.

thanks in advance.
hi all,

i want to use jquery plugin chart (free ware) except JQplot. any suggestions,

Hi all,

I have a webapplication deployed in tomcat6 windows7, problem is images are not displayed in my application.
Any Solution,

12 years ago
Hi all,

This is issue is resolved i kept "file:" while creating a string. observe the above mentioned code and edit like bellow

12 years ago
Hi Gopalan,

Bellow is my code in controller.

and my Unit test code is something like this.

I am getting "null" in my controller for the "somePath" variable. if you understand my situation could you please suggest me a solution.

Thanks a lot in advance,

12 years ago
What exactly is null?
my answer is like bellow

if the above line executes as a normal request through application no issues.
if the above line executes through the Spring Unit Testing MockHttpServletRequest i am getting null.
still if you are not getting my problem. i am very sorry please refer this url

12 years ago
I have a Spring Controller having bla bla code along with the bellow line of code.. i wrote a TestCase for the respected Spring Controller by using MockHttpServletRequest,response,session. every thing is working fine except the bellow line.
I am getting "null" in my controller when i call it from the TestCase class.

How to get the "realPath" through the MockHttpServletRequest.
If any body know about it please give me a response... thanks in advance...

12 years ago
Hi all,

i am using i have started working on existing hibernate project in my new office, i am using MySql Database (no support for sequence generation). but i found the code like bellow annotation mapping.
how it works for mysql. i am wondering that there is no SEQ_CUSTOM_WD table in my database.

Hope expecting good response, thanks in advance,

Hi all,

How can i create my own project structure through maven.


my own folder structure. how can achieve this.

Thank your,

12 years ago

I am writing a Webservice Client using WebServiceInvocationFramework, while writing i am getting error with portName.

Bellow is my WSDL Document.

Bellow is my Java code(WSInvocationFramework API).

Bellow is the error.

with the above analysis can any one please tell me what is the "portName" for the above method

Thank you,
12 years ago
why we can use write() method in the case of AJAX why not println() method.
could you please explain it.

not satisfied with your reply. we can easily understand obj1<obj2 returns positive, greter than mean +ve, equal mean zero....nothig is great here.

who are going to use these +ve -ve zero values, where these can be useful, and how it works,

Hi all,

A Comparator must define a compare function which takes two Objects and returns a -1, 0, or 1.

Here what happens internally, when the compare method returns -1 or 0 or 1.
