reddy raja

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since Sep 21, 2009
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Recent posts by reddy raja

Hi all ,

I trying to build RDP application for android in server side i am sending the png images with the robot class, but in client side i am not able to read that messages and print them on my android device.

i am using following code to read the JPEG file body data and i am able to show those images

can any one help me how to read the png file out of the inputstream.

12 years ago
Hi all,
I am new to struts i have doubt in using struts form bean scope. i am using struts 1.2 in my project .i have a requirement where i want to populate the values of one page in corresponding next page .I can get the values by using same form bean for both the pages.I used form bean scope as session .But people saying this will decrease the performance of project .If i keep form bean scope as request then at the time of validations values are missing.I cannot use hidden fields because of security purpose.

so please suggest me something .

Thank you.

14 years ago
I have a requirement where i need to put key as "GroupQuestion" and value as "label" and want to bind that map to radio button if the values are alredy there then i want to enable it but it is not working.
can any one please help me

the code is here

<html-el:radio property='values(${GroupQuestion})' name="feedbackform" value="${label}"></html-el:radio>

I am getting the GroupQuestion and label dynamically i am dynamically creating the radio button.

Please Help Me.
14 years ago
Hi ,
Can anybody help me i want to know the value present in drop down box when a button is clicked in that row only.
i am not able to capture the clicked button they will have same attributes for EX:

can anyone help me
Hi guys,

Tell me where did i have gone wrong in the below code.
Please guys reply soon.
Thank You

<TITLE> New Document </TITLE>
<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus">
<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="">
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="">


function m(){
var myTree = new Tree();
myTree.addTreeItem("my tree item A");
myTree.addTreeItem("my tree item B");
myTree.addTreeItem("my tree item C");
myTree.addTreeItem("my tree item D");

<BODY onload="m()" >


hi i need to develop dynamic tree can any one tell about this tag and attibutes, i am not able to understand the attributes.
tahnk you siva
14 years ago
I am new to custom tags i have a requirement like i have a custom tag ex:
<html:sample attrb1="" attrb2="" attrb3=""/>
if attrb1 is given then,attrb2 is mandatoryly given else it is not mandatory can any one help me.

14 years ago
This is a small application in hibernate but i am getting exception please help me i am new to hibernate
this is my client application
import org.hibernate.cfg.*;
import org.hibernate.*;
import java.util.*;
class TestClient
public static void main(String args[])throws Exception{
Configuration conf=new Configuration();
SessionFactory factory=conf.buildSessionFactory();
Session ses=factory.openSession();
Transaction tx=ses.beginTransaction();
String s="select * from employee";
SQLQuery q=ses.createSQLQuery(s);
List l=q.list();
for(int i=0;i<l.size();i++)
EmpBean e=(EmpBean)l.get(i);


Exception is:
javac *.java cannot find symbol
symbol : class SQLQuery
location: class TestClient
SQLQuery q=ses.createSQLQuery(s);
cannot find symbol
symbol : method createSQLQuery(java.lang.String)
location: interface org.hibernate.Session
SQLQuery q=ses.createSQLQuery(s);

please help me
15 years ago
Please Tell me how to use different inner classes in realtime and how they are useful for security
15 years ago
Please tell me how to maintain security in servlets and jsp
15 years ago
When exactly sithchAction,DispatchAction,LookupDispatchAction,MappingDispatchAction,ForwardAction,IncludeAction,LocaleAction are used what is the difference between them please tell me
15 years ago

reddyraja raja wrote:Please Tell Me the exact diffrence between them

15 years ago
Action Form,Dyna Action Form,Validator Form,DynaValidatorForm,ValidatorAction,DynaValidatorAction
Please Tell Me the exact diffrence between them
15 years ago
how can we calculate the hit count it should have the information even that servlet is undeployed and again redeployed it should proceed from previous value
15 years ago