Zhenhai Li

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since Oct 12, 2001
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do you have some topic in the book regarding security issues on Web Service? I have a Web Service using Microsoft WSE3.0 UsernameToken for securing message, but I do not know how to consume it in JAVA source. do you have any sample code or point me to the right direction?
[ May 29, 2007: Message edited by: Zhenhai Li ]
17 years ago
Thank you Nate;
I resolved this problem by "export DISPLAY=" at the same session I started my server.
Your reply helped me. Thanks a lot
23 years ago
Oh, I am sorry. I didnot realize that. Thank you for telling me this
23 years ago
This seems wield to me. I hope to find somebody has the same experience could help me.
I am using FedExAPI.JAR in one of my class Shipping.java. I call a constructor FedExAPI() in Shipping.java. The classpath environment was set correctly because the Shipping.java could be compiled without complain. However the FedExAPI() constructor could not be found at runtime giving me an exception like this
001.10.15 12:08:39: Multiserver,ERROR: Unable to change application to running state: com/fedex/api/FedExAPI
2001.10.15 12:08:39: Multiserver,ERROR+ java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fedex/api/FedExAPI
2001.10.15 12:08:39: Multiserver,ERROR+ at dCommerce.business.Shipping.(Shipping.java:15)
What is wrong here? Shipping.class runs well on a test server with same environment of Linux6.2, jdk1.2.2 and pentium iii.
Any hint will be appreciated
23 years ago
This seems wield to me. I hope to find somebody has the same experience could help me.
I am using FedExAPI.JAR in one of my class Shipping.java. I call a constructor FedExAPI() in Shipping.java. The classpath environment was set correctly because the Shipping.java could be compiled without complain. However the FedExAPI() constructor could not be found at runtime giving me an exception like this
001.10.15 12:08:39: Multiserver,ERROR: Unable to change application to running state: com/fedex/api/FedExAPI
2001.10.15 12:08:39: Multiserver,ERROR+ java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fedex/api/FedExAPI
2001.10.15 12:08:39: Multiserver,ERROR+ at dCommerce.business.Shipping.<clinit>(Shipping.java:15)
What is wrong here? Shipping.class runs well on a test server with same environment of Linux6.2, jdk1.2.2 and pentium iii.
Any hint will be appreciated
23 years ago
Hi all,
There is no compile error on this application.
When the program runs to
Image inImage = new ImageIcon(orig).getImage();
the following error happens. I am using jdk1.2.2 on LINUX6.2 platform on pentium III. The X Window is XFree86. Any hint will be appreciated.
Zhenhai Li
- Error in .DCommerce -
Reason: class java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.
Java Call Stack:

java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.
at sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment.initDisplay(Native Method)
at sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment.(X11GraphicsEnvironment.java:62)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java, Compiled Code)
at java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(GraphicsEnvironment.java, Compiled Code)
at sun.awt.motif.MToolkit.(MToolkit.java:60)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java, Compiled Code)
at java.awt.Toolkit$2.run(Toolkit.java, Compiled Code)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(Toolkit.java, Compiled Code)
at javax.swing.ImageIcon.(ImageIcon.java, Compiled Code)
at javax.swing.ImageIcon.(ImageIcon.java, Compiled Code)
at dCommerce.business.Thumbnail.createThumbnail(Thumbnail.java:30)
at dCommerce.presentation.dStoreManager.Update.processImage(Update.java, Compiled Code)
at dCommerce.presentation.dStoreManager.Update.run(Update.java, Compiled Code)
at com.lutris.appserver.server.httpPresentation.HttpPresentationManager.runPresentationObj(HttpPresentationManager.java, Compiled Code)
at com.lutris.appserver.server.httpPresentation.HttpPresentationManager.Run(HttpPresentationManager.java, Compiled Code)
at com.lutris.appserver.server.httpPresentation.servlet.HttpPresentationServlet.serviceDirect(HttpPresentationServlet.java, Compiled Code)
at com.lutris.appserver.server.httpPresentation.servlet.HttpPresentationServlet.service(HttpPresentationServlet.java, Compiled Code)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java, Compiled Code)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServiceInvocationHandler.method(ServletWrapper.java, Compiled Code)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.handleInvocation(ServletWrapper.java, Compiled Code)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.handleRequest(ServletWrapper.java, Compiled Code)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Context.handleRequest(Context.java, Compiled Code)
at org.enhydra.servlet.servletManager.ServletManager.service(ServletManager.java, Compiled Code)
at org.enhydra.servlet.connectionMethods.http.HttpHandler.doARequest(HttpHandler.java, Compiled Code)
at org.enhydra.servlet.connectionMethods.http.HttpHandler.processRequests(HttpHandler.java, Compiled Code)
at org.enhydra.servlet.connectionMethods.http.HttpHandler.run(HttpHandler.java, Compiled Code)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java, Compiled Code)
23 years ago