kishore snaham

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since Sep 23, 2009
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Recent posts by kishore snaham

Thank you Samuel Behrman for link,
the total software are already done they contain .exe . i want to try something my self using the existing code or else. thanks for your information
14 years ago
Thank you Maneesh Godbole.

I tried in google, mostly i found softwares , but the link given by you looking useful to me. I will be back after analysis the SaverBeans Screensaver . I have to check how much it was flexible to me. please post if you invent any new things related

thank you again
14 years ago
Hello Forum,
I would like to make a screen saver software,
It contain menus , buttons etc .It collect input as images , audio , video support many formats and show a output as the screen saver.
Can any one suggests how to start and which technology in java would prefer making of software like this.

14 years ago
ok fine let me explain clearly.
i am constructing a site with the categories like ,
regional news ,
film reviews,
help desk (for social awareness program will be held in the surrounding) etc
its just like a show case of those informations.
as already said when user search along category then there found a data files along with the content site name,
of course , of course this content site name in the link format. if user want to read the data , then he /she read file , then chose another category. if user want to read more topics in that category , went to content site by clicking the content site name link. may be my language make you confused. thats the project that i want to do.
thanks for your suggestions
14 years ago
Thank you Ernest Friedman-Hill , of course i can do as you said to display the file but its not a static site , After Publish my site, if i need to add the more data for every time , i cant change the html pages for every link.
for that i am creating admin panel , along with data i will add the fields like name, content site name, date etc. to display.
that to those are also displayed in latest items , most Reading items etc.
i think now you getting my point.
thank you again for your valuable suggestion.
14 years ago
Thank you where much Ulf Dittmer,
I felt my self there is a solution as you said, But i am unaware of HttpClient library .
so first i started towards that . i hoping there is a solution. i will soon back with my result , in the mean please discuss with me , if you found any ideas regarding.

coming to Ernest Friedman-Hill surely i will give the all the links if i succeed. i want make a site for my regional language people .

thanks for your suggestions
14 years ago
Hai Ulf Dittmer,
As you said i tried with web spider and related concepts , there is some codes also but those are representing the database applications but not web based ,
According to me the data files(PDF, html or images) are directly fall in to my database server , when ever i give the URL link of the files .
Is there any possibility for this , and first thing that i confused to where to start. i have the idea from database to website but not how to retrieve data file from web page to data base.

thank you
14 years ago
Thank you very much Ulf Dittmer,
I just started searching as you said,
In the mean any suggestions

thank you
14 years ago
Thank you Jesper Young for your suggestion,
But i have All the rights for to access those data. some how those are my colleagues sites so no problem regarding that. can you have any idea regarding the process and coding
thank you
14 years ago
Hi forum,

I want to extract pdfs and text files from the popular news sites , i already found those sites which maintain pdfs and have the download option. so here i want to extract those pdfs in to my site database , later i retrieve from my database to my site for to display . if i give the link is there any chance to extract it to our database directly . i still confused on which technology is used for this for better results, is there any other chances to extract pdfs to my database.
If i enter the URL of the content web page in the text field , then directly the data will extract and save in database. later i will retrieve from the database to my site.
can any one of both have the possibility to done
can any one help me with there valuable suggestions.

thank you
14 years ago