I passed today with a 89%. I'd say 20% of the questions are gimmes. Some said the test was organized into groups, but my questions were scattered across the topics. If you are studying the gory details of every topic (that's great for your job) you are going too deep. Like I've some post-test posts about knowing about MQSeries and a lot of CORBA. Know what they are and where they fit in the big picture, but not their details (unless you want to know the details).
I'd say this was a good test about your broad knowledge across many topics, but you are not expected to be a guru in any area.
I think the questions I got wrong I had down to this one or that one and I talked myself into the wrong answer, or I was unclear about what the question might mean. There were probably two questions where I just didn't know the second correct answer, but still could narrow down to two (last time I use a quarter to decide, but they wouldn't let me bring in my magic 8 ball

). However, I don't think studying for another two weeks would have changed my results. I spent too much time studying the trees and not enough time studying the "overview" and "general concepts". Like knowing the benefits of design patterns (just like the objectives say). I nailed two of the three, eliminated one or two which left me with two possible. Simple, but I read that one time a long time ago and it cost me, that kills me.
I think I know the I18N question everybody gets wrong. I'd like to debate Sun about that question!
So I guess my word to wise is don't forget the simple stuff, it's on the test too.
Anyway, I can ramble onto part II.