jon tren

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since Sep 24, 2009
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Hi Riyaz,

The article that you read was reflecting the thoughts of the author. No examiner would fail you if you submit your assignment even on the last day, but it should represent a plausible solution and satisfy all of the requirements listed.

Class diagrams are supposed to show only static relationships. So Figure 1 seems correct.

Hi All,

Few questions while understanding the Factory Homes assignment.

1. Does Catalog, Factory Homes Catalog, and Component Catalog refer to same catalog ?

2. Does accessories, inventories and components refer to same thing ?

3. What is the difference between base house components and basic house components ?

4. There appears to be a typo in the last use case, in the start of the description it says " The Schedule Detailed Consultation Catalog .... " ; Should the word catalog be here ? Are there any other typos or errors in this assignment anyone know of ?