Yasin Kothia

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since Sep 25, 2009
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Recent posts by Yasin Kothia

Would i flatten this out, and maybe put the path and its possible locations in a map?
9 years ago

I am a bit stuck on the following.

Im trying to solve the following puzzle in java http://domathtogether.com/solved/ant-on-a-cube/ I was wondering how i would code this? using graphs.
9 years ago
The Mock exams in my opinion are harder then the real exam, K&B SCJP6 310-065 is more then enough to pass the exam, the book covers Serialization and wait, notify which i don't think is in the exam any more.
12 years ago
I studied the Head First Java, as i had just come out of university so did not have much experience in java programming, I then read K&B SCJP6 book twice, i also went on a java course which helped me a lot, but its not needed to pass this exam. In the final few days i bought enthuware mock exams went trough them continuously.

My Preparation:

HF Java.
Java Crash Course.
K&B SCJP6 Book (I read it twice).
Enthuware Mock Exams.

Exam Score: 81%

The Mock Questions in K&B book and Enthuware are much harder then the real exam, so can be a bit demoralising but i can assure you the real exam is way easier.

I would like to thanks this people of this forum, as every question i needed help on was already answered on this forum and every Google such led me here. I would like to thank my sister and brother-in-law for supporting me financially and always keeping me focused when i would get a bit sidetracked (I think this was because they paid for everything :P ).

A special thanks to K&B for writing two amazing books.

on to SCWCD...

12 years ago

Nell Medina wrote:I read the book twice and got 60% on the final Mock exam.

I assume this is the Head First book?.
12 years ago
Congrats!. Nice Score
12 years ago
I have tested the code, and it works just fine.

response: Hello, world!

What you need to is recompile the .java classes via command prompt (javac) not via a IDE and see if that works for you.
12 years ago
please paste the error in a block code,

dont worry about it being so long.
12 years ago
I cant see the error message
12 years ago
Use to generate the Skeleton.

Skeleton classes are not needed any more, however the HFJ example is a bit dated so it may be needed for that example.
13 years ago
did you generate a _Skel class?
13 years ago
The reason your IP keeps changing is because you do not have a static IP from your ISP.
13 years ago
Congrats! Thanks for sharing your experience much appreciated!.
13 years ago