vinoth ramanathan

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since Oct 01, 2009
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Recent posts by vinoth ramanathan

I have been trying to run Struts 2 a simple helloworld program it is not working.

It is showing
The requested resource (/Example1/index.jsp) is not available.
And the following is from log file

Below is my struts.xml file
<?xml verion="1.0" ?>
<package name="default" extends="struts-default">
<action name="Helloworld" class="App.Helloworld">
<result name="SUCCESS">/success.jsp</result>
14 years ago
Hi David,
Above mentioned errors are cleared the new error araises
ERROR: There is no Action mapped for namespace / and action name Helloworld.

the stacktrace as follows

And this is my struts-config.xml
14 years ago
Hi David

Log is showing

SEVERE: Exception starting filter struts2
Unable to load configuration. - file:/C:/Program%20Files/Apache%20Software%20Foundation/Tomcat%206.0/webapps/Example1/WEB-INF/classes/struts.xml:1:8

I am using the following library

14 years ago
Hi Friends,
I am using tomcat 6 I want to know how to see the startup logs. i am having error in application show that i can trace. Is there any configuration need to set to see startup logs.

14 years ago
Hi David,
You were correct i changed the version of struts its working now, but now new problem comes when i put struts.xml file in
web-inf/classes/App/struts.xml it is showing index page
then when i send the request it is showing another error
There is no Action mapped for namespace / and action name Helloworld.
but when i put it in
web-inf/classes/struts.xml it is not displaying index.jsp itself and saying
requested resource not found error
14 years ago

1. I don`t know how to refer the struts-tags in the taglib uri tag. and where to place the struts-taglib.jar in the directory structure
2.Can you give hint how to read startup logs.

14 years ago
I dont know how to check startup logs. Helloworld.action not working. using struts-core-1.3.10.jar but my struts-core-1.3.10.jar doesn't contain struts-taglib.jar. I dont know how to refer the struts-taglib in taglib tag and where to place the struts-taglib.jar file. will problem be there?
<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %>
14 years ago
Hi David Newton,
Thanks for your reply. I have included commons-fileupload and commons-io libraries. But still it is saying the

The requested resource (/vino/Helloworld) is not available.
when i call using http://localhost:8080/vino/Helloworld.

14 years ago
Hi friends,
I am new to struts 2. I did very small program using struts 2 it is saying requested resource not found error. I deplyed it using Apache tomcat.
My directory structure is

vino(root directory)

web.xml file




When i run it shows the requested resource not. Help me in this. Thanks
14 years ago
Hi friends,
I creating a file browser I am using the following code for that

Whats the error in the above program. Its not displaying the files in drives i mentioned

14 years ago

I know ajax but i want the way they are doing.. can you elobrate it.

Hi friends,
How some cricket live score websites are updating the scores at regular interval. How they are doing it. Help me on this topic.

Hi friends,
I am doing my final year master in computer applications. in last six months we have to do a project in company. I applied for the company and I got in Drupal an open source content management system. when I said to one of my friend he it mere waste in doing that. I really shocked of hearing that so please help me in that context.

14 years ago
HI friends,
I am vinoth, completed my scjp exam with 98% on march 24,2009. I dont know how to get the sun logo for the scjp, but I have got scjp card and certificate from sun from sweden. I gone throu our ranch and some ranchers suggested the below url .But when I visit the below url;jsessionid=72CB92DC909D3219D4BCBA28A31E6D07?ownername=sun&basechannel=prometric&channel=sun
In that a create web login form appears. In that I dont know Registration Number and site Number, where and how shall I get that numbers. help me in that. I wrote the test in NIIT chennai,India. Prometric Center.

HI friends,
I am vinoth, completed my scjp exam with 98% on march 24,2009. I dont know how to get the sun logo for the scjp, but I have got scjp card and certificate from sun. Help me with this.

14 years ago