Monica Shiralkar wrote:
Campbell Ritchie wrote:What do you think, MS?
I have seen that at times and have wondered why were these kept in a single file instead of multiple. To me having 1 file per class looks more readable.
It is programmed to look for the first class in the file, I think, regardless of its access. If you use the old way of compiling code, with javac and java, there is no requirement for the class with the main() method to be public, either.
Tanuj Bhatt wrote:
Also i now able to run the connection after changing all the path to jdk 1.8 but still i want to know how to run the mysql connection in jdk 11 and higher as per i know they don't have a separate jre folder to put connector jar file
Campbell Ritchie wrote:DJ: Welcome to the Ranch
I don't know whether things are different on JDK13 but I had no difficulty getting this file to run:-
critchie@localhost directoryXXX]$ java Campbell Jeanne Liutauras Bear
SingleFile object with field = Campbell
SingleFile object with field = Jeanne
SingleFile object with field = Liutauras
SingleFile object with field = Bear
Mohana Mahalingam wrote:
1)When I execute the above program, answer is
Value2found at2,0
Can you explain how the value 2,0 is obtained when Break Parent_Loop is replaced with Break statement?
2) When I execute the same with Continue parent_Loop the same answer is obtained.
Can we consider break and labelled Continue statements as the same?
3) When the program is executed with Continue statement, the answer is Value found at 2,1.
Please provide explanations how these statements are working
Thanks in advance
Paul Anilprem wrote:If you just return -1 , 0, and 1, you won't be able to order the objects efficiently.
Henry Wong wrote:
you are passing List<Poodle> and List<Dog> instances... and there isn't a IS-A relationship between List<Poodle> and List<Dog>.
Campbell Ritchie wrote:Naaaaa!
I have only been here about 11½ years.