Bhagvan Kommadi

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since Oct 15, 2001
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5 years ago

AVL trees belong to unique type of binary search trees.In AVL trees,difference of height of left subtree and right subtree of every node is nearly one.They are called as self-balancing binary search trees.
5 years ago
Tree, Queue, Linked List, Stacks are the dynamic data structures covered in the book. Dynamic data structures are used to support the modification of data structures.
5 years ago
Arrays, tables, sequences are the data structures used in genome analysis related to biotechnology. Vectors, matrices and tensors are also used.
5 years ago
For unmarshalling json, structs and arrays are used. Go objects are converted to Json and Json to Go Object by using  Marshal and Unmarshal methods.
5 years ago
pseudo code and flow chart are the methods used for representing the algorithms. In the pseudo code, data presented will be described in data dictionaries.
5 years ago
Brute force algorithms  enumerate  all  candidates.  The candidates which give the solution are picked . data dredging is one good where you look for patterns in data using statistical methods.
5 years ago
T-tree is a balanced data structure which has actual data in memory and index. It is used for ordered scanning of data.
5 years ago
Matrices, lists, vectors and tensors data structures are used in scientific analysis.
5 years ago
Go is a powerful language and it has a easy structure. Developers can easily code and learn data structures & algorithms .
5 years ago
Tree data structures types covered in the book are: Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees, Red black trees, AVL trees, K-D trees and Heaps
5 years ago
Blockchain is like a linked list.  A blockchain in general is a hash pointer based data structure composed of blocks.

consensus and proof of work algorithms are used for validating and generating the transaction blocks
5 years ago
Dependency inversion principle is:

a) High level modules should not depend upon low level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions

b) Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions

Implementing the dependency inversion principle involves using algorithms for defining consumers, service providers, and abstractions in different modules.
5 years ago
yes.  This book covers for students various topics in computer science related to data structures and algorithms in go language. It will be a good reference and a text book for indian universities to teach courses in computer science.
5 years ago
Sedge Wick book is a basic book for data structures and algorithms in java. My book covers basic, medium and advanced topics in data structures and algorithmsin go language. it covers samples from real life applications and memory management in go applications...
5 years ago