Amod Gupta

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since Oct 16, 2009
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Recent posts by Amod Gupta

thanks Ulf Dittmer but finally i managed to solve the problem,it was because of the directory in which the mbrola database files were kept.
14 years ago
also can someone help me with this exception:
Processing Utterance: com.sun.speech.freetts.ProcessException: Cannot start mbrola program: [Ljava.lang.String;@911f71
this is where i reached trying to solve my problem
14 years ago
i am trying to add speech synthesis to my application.I am using freetts to convert text to speech.till here everything is fine.Now to use a new voice I am using MBROLA VOICES.When I am using the included example in form of a jar file,it is executing fine,but if I try to execute the class file or any of my files then i get the following error:
COULD not validate any MBlora voices at ./mblora
and also could not find the voice named mblora_us1.please specify a different voice.
Now what i cant figure out is if examples are working fine what is the problem with class files.The code i am using is:

Also bin contains mbrola folder containing voices us1,us3.
please help.
14 years ago
connecting as well as looping.
I am accessing a database in MS Access using JDBC from my java program.The Ms Access Database has 1000 records.Now for each query it takes about 8 seconds.Is it normal?
I mean that is it not taking more time and how can I reduce this time.Thank you.

Ulf Dittmer wrote:By "input program", do you mean the source code? If so, that's just a string, so any character field should do. If you mean the class file, then you need a BLOB field. Search the JDBC forum (and the Sun Java Tutorial) for how to use either of those.

So there is no size limit to string field?
14 years ago
Now I want to save the input program.Can i save it in a database such as ms access?If yes then how.
14 years ago
@Bhagat Singh Rawat
Thanks a lot
14 years ago

Bhagat Singh Rawat wrote:
Or you want to take java code as input and compile that code in side of the Main class??

doesnt matter say i have the class in a string variable.
14 years ago
no i dont want to develop a jvm what i want to do is take a java program as input compile the input program and execute it from my main program only.
14 years ago
I want to develop a java program which takes another java program as input and executes the input java program.Can anyone please suggest me how to do it?Thanks.
14 years ago
i am looking for something that is free
15 years ago