C Shinde

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since Oct 22, 2009
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My customer has come up with a requirement to run their existing Web Application that is build using Struts 1.1 running on Sun Web Server. To support Ipad and Andriod as end user devices. Currently we were supporting Desktop Browsers, and there was a mobile App too.

I tested the Application on IPad and I saw it to run fine, but then I wanted to know do I need to consider anything while I need to have my Application Tablet ready?

I will be testing the application to see what all issues I face and based on that estimate the support plan of the application for tablets. But I wanted to know if there is a better way to do this estimation or Solutioning of the support of the WebApplication for Tablets?

12 years ago

I have a requirement to build a web based custom component in Java.
I know there are 3 Component based Web Frameworks. Tapestry, Wicket and JSF.

I don't have much of the component understanding, but 1 that it will support Ajax, and that all of these F/W support them.

Wanted to short list 1 from these.

Could someone help me out?

hello I am running a script that has the following:

JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=7555 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.password=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false"

This is used to set the remote debugging and JMX monitoring on the server.

When I set this on a windows machine:

set JAVA_OPTS="-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=9090,server=y,suspend=n"
set JAVA_OPTS=$JAVA_OPTS "-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=7555" "-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.password=false"
"-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false" "-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false"

This works fine, when I run multiple scripts that use JAVA_OPTS.

But when I run the same on a Unix machine I get an error like:

ERROR: transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use
ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_INIT(510)
JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197): No transports initialized [../../../src/share/back/debugInit.c:690]

Can anyone shed some light on this?

13 years ago

I was looking for open source Profiling tools, but this tool should help me manage Objects in the Heap, basically it must be an Object profiler.
Also the application is a Web based application running on Tomcat.

I have seen a lot of opensource profilers at http://java-source.net/open-source/profilers but do not know much about what to select.

Thanks in Advance.

14 years ago

I have a UI (basically a mobile client), which has a Button which when I clicked executes a process in the background. THis background process basically uploads data to the server via a webservice which is loaded into a DB. In the foreground after I click the button it shows a new screen with a progress bar and a cancel button below it. If I click the Cancel Button, I need to undo whatever data I have uploaded to the server via the web service.
The background process is executed via seperate thread in the client side that also calls the webservice.

I have a few questions:
1.Does this process qualify for a transaction kind of scenario?If yes how do I implement Transactions on Server side for this?
2. If this does not qualify for transaction what do I do? As I am building the background process as a seperate thread do I just stop the background thread if the cancel button is clicked, but then again the data already send to the Web Service, how will the webservice behave?

Any help Appreciated
14 years ago

I am interested in creating a Blackberry application that runs in the background that should start running immediately once it is installed. That is when I test it with the Simulator, when I select 'Run As Blackberry Simulator' it should start running.
What Blackberry interface/class do I need to need to implement?

Is it one of the interfaces/class from 'net.rim.device.api.system' packages? Any help would be appreciated.

14 years ago
I wanted to know what is the common approach taken to generate the WS Stubs for a BlackBerry application.
We tried using NetBeans and found that there was a bug in the tool.
What surprises me is that BlackBerry does not provide any support for WS generation with their Plugin.
I have seen people use some toolkit but then it too throws weird errors for which I cannot find a solution.

Anyone help would be of help.

14 years ago
My understanding is the WSDL2Java is to be used in JEE world and WebServices Client generation is not a big problem in in JEE world. When it comes to JME, JSR-172 creeps in and all the problem starts, I feel this error is got to do with it, only the information conveyed by the tool is not of any help.

I too saw a couple of my colleagues uses this toolkit and it gave the similar weird kind of message.
14 years ago
JSR-172 is a JAX-RPC 1.1 subset.
Now if I am consuming Web Services created using .NET, that were created with no Mobile users in mind long time back, and now Mobile users are told to use them, how do I go about fixing the issues with limitations.
Like my .NET services has

Simple Types Derived By Restriction: and so I am not able to generate J2ME client is NetBeans, well there should be some way to stop NetBeans to overlook this and generate code, but then there should be a better way ahead.

Also there was a problem reported by someone in the team with respect to a method that returns a Collection not generating code properly. I need to try generating this on my machine to get to the bottom and share what has happened.

But can anyone shed some light on this?

Chetan Shinde
14 years ago
There is a J2ME application run on a Blackberry Mobile, as part of the UI there is a list with names and images to be displayed. The user can scroll through this list and as he scrolls he sees the names and the images against the names getting downloaded.
I wanted to know do I need to created a separate thread to download this image?
The whole data got for this page is via a Web Service and the image data is a URL to the image.

Also does Mobile Computing support AJAX? (If I am building Web Application for the Mobile)

14 years ago
Under Mobile, I saw IPhone, JME and Android as 3 sub sections, where can I post BlackBerry queries?
14 years ago
Well I got 1 issue that I fixed and now I am able to use the Tags!. When you use Tags as Jars the tlds need to be placed in the META-INF. Which I was not doing!.

Problem Solved!
14 years ago

Has anyone used the WebObjects WebServer?
can someone share some documentaion and java examples based of this server?

14 years ago

I was trying out trying out some classic tag handlers.
Just to be sure that I followed the right process I will share what I did:

I created a Dynamic Web Project, Implemented a Class implementing say TagSupport class. Wrote a TLD file and placed it in the WEB-INF of the Web Proj. In this TLD I have mentioned a URI that I am going to refer to in the taglib directive of the JSP in another Dynamic Web Project. I create the JAR file of this project with only the class and the needed TLD file in the JAR and place it in the lib directory of my second Web Project that is going to use this Tag.
My Problem is that even if I can see the Tag file and the class at compile time I am not able to see the class at run time and I get the error 'File "/WEB-INF/Tag" not found'.

Am I missing something? As I have tried a couple of examples and am stuck at this point.

Thanks in Advance.
14 years ago
Ok to add to this, I have seen people normally use the sql:param with the parameters that they pass across pages. What I was doing is getting some data from the backend in 1 query and then using that as an input to another query. Now there could be people questioning me as to why I would do this, will this 2 data sets was like master details kind of data and and yes everyone visiting the page will see all the master he will not see all the detail, so only the master he selects will he see its detail.

14 years ago