arun singhal

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since Oct 25, 2009
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Recent posts by arun singhal

I have make a text Editor in java like a notepad..
But now I want to highlight some text in that....
As an example -----

When I write "select" in that editor then that select keyword turn in red color....
How can I do this??

Like I write in editor ---select *from student;
then It look like -----select *from student;
in this example I take "select" and "from" as a keyword.And in editor whenever select and from come then both color change in red and blue...
How can I do that??
Please give me solution for that..
14 years ago
Thanks for helping..
It is working..
14 years ago
I am trying to pass a vector in java..
And I write A code given below..But have An error..This code is not working..
So please what should I need to do to remove error in this program.

Please give me solution of this...
14 years ago
I want to update a xml file in java..
like in sql update command is use for update table in database--
as an example--

update student
set marks ='30',status = 'present'

in this student is a table in mysql database whis have two attribute marks and status.And from given command both can be update..

Like that If database is in XML formate..Then If I want to update some attribute in java then how can we do this..

Please help me to get out of this problem..
How can we write xquery in java???
I know that how to connect mysql database in my computer..
But I want to access data from different computer in lan...
What are requirement for this???
Please give me solution for this..
yes, i have read both replies..
but when I click on link then i find that there is explanation of all these classes about com.ddtek.xquery3.XQConnection;

But I don't know how to use these classes??
And How would I import these class in program??
Actually this is my first XQJ code..So I am facing such problem..
Please give solution to get out of this problem...
14 years ago
from where I can get XQJ classes??

like these classes--

14 years ago
I search in google and get one code in xqj....

Code is---

In this I am getting error..
package com.ddtek.xquery3 does not exist

From where I can get this package ???
Please help me to get out of this problem..
14 years ago
I want to know that how can we use xqj.
14 years ago
I want to fire query in netbeans......
Please help me for this...
Like an example --- I have a xml file "student.xml" and i want to retrieve student name..
So how I do in netbeans ..
14 years ago
I have a XML file ..
Now I want to use this XML file in JAVA..
But I am facing some problem..
I don't know that how to use this XML file..
Is I need to download some .jar file for connecting this ..
Please tell me the whole process for using this XML file to connect database....

I know how to use JDBC...
But I am getting problem in fire XQUERY in java....
Please give solution for this so that I can get out of this problem.....
I have one frame in main window.
I have one button for "edit user" .
When I click on button "edit user" , then one new window open for edit user ...
Now i want that anyone can not click on main frame f..
means user can only click on new window of "edit user" and when user close new window then he can take command of main frame...
Please solve this problem..
15 years ago
I have one frame in main window.
I have one button for "edit user" .
When I click on button "edit user" , then one new window open for edit user ...
Now i want that anyone can not click on main frame f..
means user can only click on new window of "edit user" and when user close new window then he can take command of main frame...
Please solve this problem..
15 years ago
How can it possible that when I press enter key then action will performed .........
As an example I have made login page then I enter username and password in textfield..
So i want that I only on press "enter" button for login...
I have submit button..
15 years ago