Pradeep Adibatla

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Recent posts by Pradeep Adibatla

Still Unclear? Ok another go...

A) Web server on the LAN , Client on LAN ---- > Client sends a request, server sends a response( a pdf file shows up on client's system) .End of story.

B) Web server still on LAN, Client on internet -----> Client sends a request two things happen

1)web server readies the Pdf file
2) loading begins but intenet connection goes off

has the file been sent? what is it that's blocking ? No firewall problem. Will the web server being Static IP solve the problem or ???

Please throw the possibilities for resoving... thanks
12 years ago
Firewall is off and the problem still persists. I think think the input which I gave in the above is feasible.
What other routing problems there could be? what else could have caused the problem?
12 years ago
Hey Joe! I am in haste, sorry for that.

Yes it is struts2 application and I think this is related to IP,URl issue. I am dealing this in webservice thread. It will be great if you can share your thoughts there as well .
12 years ago

When off the LAN the IPs may differ considerably!

One more input ...
2 servers on LAN ... Map server and Web server
Map server has static IP whereas Web server doesn't. So When client accesses the web server , some of my team mates are suggesting that since the web server doesn't have a 'static IP ' (not clear about what this means) it is not able to get it back from web server to client system. Please comment on this as well .

So this has got to do with firewall or routing ..I guess I am getting closer to the solution because the internet gets disconnected at the point where I try to access
the web server.
So I should ensure that all clients have firewall off ??? thanks a ton WP! ... waiting for more clarity.
12 years ago
My program allows the enduser to make a transaction.Once transaction is done (in his internet) a request is sent to the webserver (not static IP ) which is on the LAN.

request goes
Webserver <------------ Client

Till now we were testing it by assuming the user is on LAN and he is able to save his transaction details.
However when we started testing it using independent browser (on his own internet and no LAN) the request is sent to the Webserver and the file is saved as pdf there but we are unable to take the file from there and show it on client's system.

What could be the problem ? IP related,URL? want to know the intricacies. thanks!
12 years ago
My program allows the enduser to make a transaction.Once transaction is done (in his internet) a request is sent to the webserver (not static IP ) which is on the LAN.

request goes
Webserver <------------ Client

Till now we were testing it by assuming the user is on LAN and he is able to save his transaction details.
However when we started testing it using independent browser (on his own internet and no LAN) the request is sent to the Webserver and the file is saved as pdf there but we are unable to take the file from there and show it on client's system.

What could be the problem ? IP related,URL? want to know the intricacies. thanks!
12 years ago
Anyone watching...experts pitch in !!
12 years ago
I have a binary file ( a png) and i used Fileoutputstream instead of ServletoutputStream. Will it make a difference?
12 years ago
I have a webserver which contains a file. I have a program which takes this file and shows it on client machine.But in my struts.xml I am trying to direct it to a page(tried all my pages) which is not happening and it is not being shown on client machine.

Looked into our posts "Download pdf file in struts2 ".What could be the error??
12 years ago
Add on :

In the struts.xml side I am directing it to a page...It is not going to that page even after success....
I think that's the best practise,I wish I had time to do that but right now I think I have to stick to this...

small snippet to bring more clarity...


The imgFile is /maps/4772.pdf
the udpath is : D:\workspace_final\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps\GoaGis\maps\4772.pdf
in forPrint option


I have to get this file location (in web server) and put it in client/end user system...
How do I take it from this and display it on end user system who is on his own internet? When he uses his internet and accesses the site he is requesting the web server on the LAN but the pdf which is available on the LAN is not being passed on to the enduser...

Issue with tomcat?
//// instead of // for url?
breaking my head with this...
I hope I made it clear
Ok,I tried the above way but it disturbed my whole application.So i revert back to the old code.

This works fine on LAN and intranet
but for a independent user on the internet this is causing problems.
So this same line which is showing pdf when system is on LAN and intranet is failing with system connected to internet.Where is the flaw??Urgent... thanks!

Ok...this is the java class ..

I am just not finding that minor change here... can someone go through this a help me make a move? thanks!
Some improvement! I click on save,the request goes to webserver and readies the pdf(has the pdf) .i need to get this to client system.i have an action clas pdfgen and i am redirecting to new jsp which is not happening.hope i am clear.
12 years ago
It's like an end user who did some shopping and made payment and he wants save a copy of transaction with himself. All this flow is in struts... but somehow the request to save the page is not going to server I believe
12 years ago