praveen Ji

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since Nov 03, 2009
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Recent posts by praveen Ji

Even I reached to this thread looking for the answer of the question: why no "Optional" on @OneToMany annotation.
Since I did not find answer by quick googling.. I gave it some more thought. Though the thread is a bit old but still thought to share my view for other's benefit.
My understanding is as below:

In associations like one-to-many and many-to-many, the many side entity(referenced entity) is declared as a Collection<otherSideEntity>. In case there does not exist any related instances at runtime, the collection will be empty but NOT null. Hence having Optional element for such association is not needed.
Whereas in associations like one-to-one, many-to-one, the other side(referenced entity) is a single-valued reference. So you do have a possibility of NULL value for referred entity, if the association is optional. and hence the optional element.
Congrats! How long did it take to get the results after you took part-3?
As per the assignment description, we have to produce some UML diagrams and capture risks and assumptions as part of assignment deliverables.
Do we have to provide justification regarding our choice of technology, pattern etc by means of comparison among various options available?
My concern is that if we do that as part of part-2 , what is left for scea part-3 then?

Please share your experience and views.


As part of scea part-II assignment, we need to provide details of what will be the deployment view of the design software. Do we have to capture details like number of servers, memory requirements, CPU speed etc. If yes, what is the best way to come up with such data? thanks.
Sorry guys. Its duplicate post again. I am not sure wats going on.
First, thank you all for such informative discussion. I had the similar doubts about CompletedDesign, Product and House.

Having read the thoughts above and analyzing the given requirement specs, my understanding is:

Product is a generic term used to represent anything that is available for sale. I see this from an e-commerce web-site perspective.
In case of FactoryHomes, their product is a House.

On the other hand, CompletedDesign is a sort of online purchase order, and hence has details like:
  • What is being bought (Comes from House design, that user has assembled)
  • What is the price (Comes after customer changes the house design status to "Completed" )
  • Who is buying (Comes from Customer association)

  • Please share your views.
    I see no files under download page. See screen shot attached
    Even I have the same dilemma that Jonathan has. For instance, suppose your are designing an online shopping system. In given requirements, you are provided following use-cases:
  • Add/Remove Items to/from shopping cart
  • Checkout

  • But when you start analyzing, you realize that you should also provide a use-case to allow saving a shopping cart that can be checked-out later.
    What should one do in such cases? Just stick with the given use-cases or design for use cases that are not mentioned in the assignment?
    As a consumer, one should not care how has service provider implemented it. A consumer can safely assume that it satisfies the definition of WebService, and yes that means XML, WSDL, SOAP etc.