Thank you very much Javaranch! Thanks to all the moderators and grazing cows!
That was a real long wait, but finally I got the Beta Exam result yesterday. Passed with 86%. Looking at the posts since the new exam came into effect, I was wondering as to why people think its too easy. What I can tell you from my score is that they have removed many difficult questions from the Beta exam.
The worst I performed was on Threads (and I was consistent on that!), I got only 57% correct, but who cares, I just want to go for EJB! (Just kidding!!).
For the future candidates, I would say that RHE is still the best book (Yes even for the new exam). Apart from that I only looked at the APIs and Sun's Tutorials.
I took almost all the tests on javaranch/maha. Thanks to Maha for such an excellent work. Special thanks to Ajith for answering my questions and the hundreds of others. Thanks to the Greenhorns who asked questions that didn't even occur to me.