Soenke Klinkhammer

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since Oct 21, 2001
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Recent posts by Soenke Klinkhammer

Thanks for your advice, Cindy. Looks like I can use that
21 years ago
Hey folks,
my problem is that I'm trying to draw a line (..a curve etc.) in a panel. However, the line (, curve..) is much longer than the dimensions of my panel. So, I was hoping that there is some kind of container in which I can draw my line or whatsoever once and then just move the container around within my panel (on mousedrag e.g.).
(Like the applet on this page... Example Just drag the mouse around)
21 years ago
Thanks a lot, I will try that ASAP.
21 years ago
Correct, this is what I'm trying to do ( reasons...)
21 years ago
Even though my question was unusual, it is still quite important to me.
So, it would be a real help if anybody could tell me if there is any way to use an applet as a simple browser (interpret HTML).
Thank you.
21 years ago
Hello there,
I have sort of an unusual problem: Is there any way I can use an applet as a browser, i.e. interprete and display HTML and even XML? I doubt it, but I thought I'd give it a shot...
(For anyone who's wondering: mainly for security reasons...)
21 years ago
I forgot to mention that I'm trying to get it to work on my IE5. So, I didn't mention that it worked fine in the appletviewer.
BUT: hey, I found the error/ source of my problem - parseFloat is not supported by IE5, because it came out with JDK 1.2.
Thanks to all those who would have helped me =)
22 years ago
hey folks
I'm having a problem with the Float.parseFloat(String s) method.

This sample Applet is fairly simple: the user enters some (float)value in the textfield,
and that String then gets converted to a float. After that, the square of the float is shown
in the label. For some reason I haven't found yet, the Applet doesn't react at all when the button
is pressed. If i replace the Float.parseFloat with the parseInt argument, it works fine (except for the
fact that the user has to enter integers - I know that I forgot to put all that in a try-catch method...let's just assume the user enters
number values).
Furthermore, I'm looking for a way to replace a char within a string with a new char ("," with ".").
I tried the string.replace(oldchar, newchar) method, but it doesnt work. I was planning on putting that
method in the KeyListener-method keyPressed or in the TextListener-method textValueChanged.Would be very nice, if you could tell me a better way to do it (if there is a better way...=).
Thanks in advance,
(edited by Cindy to format code)

[This message has been edited by Cindy Glass (edited November 08, 2001).]
22 years ago
Hi folks,
First of all, I'm really sorry for bugging you with my problem. -I can imagine that dumb problems like mine are getting on your nerves, but, just like my status says, I'm a greenhorn.
After having programmed some simple stuff, I tried to get applets to work on HTML pages. So, I worked my way through's pages. I downloaded the HTML Converter just to learn that I need another Plug-In, some JRE. What is the deal about that. Is it really that complicated to get applets to work on my Internet Explorer!?
22 years ago