Scott Duncan

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since Oct 25, 2001
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Recent posts by Scott Duncan

Yes, that was it. Thanks.
22 years ago
Whenever I move something over to WASD, I use the import function to do it. (file/import) If I just drag it over to WASD, I always seem to have difficulty.
22 years ago
Recently, I have downloaded the WebSphere Application Server
version 4.0 (trial) for Windows NT. After unpacking the zip archive,
I tried to install the product using the enclosed Setup.exe.
The setup program started and a error dialog came up showing
the following Text:
ERROR_INVALID_USER - entry not found in the string table.
Does anybody know what went wrong?
22 years ago
Try the Jakarta site and of course the obvious,
That may be the way to go. My company uses Websphere and DB2 for the same reason so I don't really have a choice in the matter. I must say that I don't have any reasonable complaints either.
I had the opportunity to work with JBuilder and Weblogic on a year long project and was extremely happy with these products.
But, as I said, it is a matter of opinion.
22 years ago
I personally prefer the JBuilder/Weblogic config. IBM seems to be notoriously behind the J2EE standards. For example, VAJ 4.0 does not support EJB 2.0 specs and will not support EJB 1.1 specs without a patch. Also, I believe that Websphere 4.0 only supports EJB 1.1. In addition to that, VAJ will no longer be supported as Websphere Studio Appication Developer will soon replace it. VAJ does not have a JSP editor (Although it can be used in conjunction with some earlier versions of Websphere Studio). Also, IBM seems to be a bit proprietary (Go figure that).
On the other hand, VAJ has an excellent test environment that enables developers to test their j2ee apps thru VAJ and I like their EMSRV repository for source control. Especially for small development teams.
As far as which is more popular, I believe they are both running neck and neck but both are way ahead of the rest.
It is completely a matter of opinion and I suggest that you download the trial versions of these products and test them for yourself.
Hope this helps.
22 years ago
If you realy want to do it:
In doEndTag method of Tag:

<prefix:table />
22 years ago
I am migrating to Websphere 4.0 from 3.5.3. However, I am having a problem with the tld file. The exception is:
The exception is org.apache.jasper.JasperException: D:\WebSphere\AppServer\installedApps\VisitorLogin.ear\VisitorLogin.war\ARBMain.jsp(0,44) JSPG0103E: Unable to open taglibrary BCADIS.tld : JSPG0110E: Parse Error in the tag library descriptor: The processing instruction must begin with the name of the target.
Can anyone shed any light on this?
Thanks, in advance.
22 years ago
I am getting an exception:
java.rmi.MarshalException: CORBA COMM_FAILURE 3 No; nested exception is:
org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: minor code: 3 completed: No
org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: minor code: 3 completed: No
This occurs when testing in the Websphere Test Environment using VisualAge 4.0. It happens when I change the contents of a SessionBean. I stop the EJB server and then regenerate the code.
Then I restart the EJB server. I try to test the app again and then this occurs. Can anyone tell what I am doing wrong?
[ July 12, 2002: Message edited by: Scott Duncan ]
22 years ago
I had this problem as well. Difference is that mine involved an Entity CMP Bean. When starting the server for a group that contains an Entity Bean using VAJ, first you must right click on the server and fill out the appropriate fields (i.e. connection url, etc.). I've done several stateless Session Beans as well and never had this problem unless an Entity Bean resided in the same group and the database properties were not set appropriately. If you're working with VAJ in the test environement and using the IBM EJB Samples EJB group, the group contains a Bean called Iterator which is an Entity Bean. Make sure the DB properties are set appropriately.
That is the only suggestion I have. Hope it helps.
[ July 11, 2002: Message edited by: Scott Duncan ]
22 years ago