André Asantos

Ranch Hand
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since Nov 23, 2009
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Recent posts by André Asantos

Hello guys, I do however bet Selenium wins this war... Does anyone here know how to do it?
12 years ago

[edited out contact info. We don't put e-mails/phone numbers in the forums]

13 years ago
What is the concept of TestNG @DataProvider? Why to use? How to use?
13 years ago
Would like to merge experience about Selenium tool?

[edited out contact info. We don't put e-mails/phone numbers in the forums]

13 years ago
However it it a good investment for the resume?
13 years ago
Hi all, do/did you use Websphere plataform in any project?
13 years ago

L. Wei wrote:Hi, I am reading "EJB3 In Action", and trying to run the Hello World example in the first chapter in Eclipse. I've correctly setup Glassfish v3 in Eclipse and I've created a server in the Servers console. I created a project and then copied 3 files of the chapter 1 example from the book website

I deploy the ejb in Glassfish successfully, but when I running HelloUserClient, I got NullPointerException

I know it's because helloUser reference to null. However, is it supposed to be right for this example? or Did I miss anything else? or I can't just copy and paste the sample code into eclipse and run from there? (the book examples are run in command line). I have no clue. Please help. Thanks

To skip out that code error try on:

Prithvi Sehgal, worked!

thanks a lot...

now I am facing trouble applying CSS look at:

cabecalho is a CSS but does not apply for the grid's hearder...
13 years ago
Hi everyone, how are you?

I would like to color my dataGrid's rows, I set this way:

Where can I put the color?
13 years ago
sorry that works but not 100% right... let me explain better:

if you try to compress a folder named exemple folder1 that has a child named file1 together another file named file2 that compresses but when you descompress the result is -> file1 and file2 instead of folder1/file1 and file2.
13 years ago
Could you help me with this method it crashed when reading a folder:

13 years ago
I got it...

So, I would like to get a complete method that works that, a method that compressess folders/directories beucase I was just trying... only an attempt...
13 years ago
Could you help me please?

I am trying but facing difficult, look at:

Throws IOException:

13 years ago
I think the method is not complete...
13 years ago