selva raja

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since Nov 24, 2009
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Recent posts by selva raja

Dear Team,

I have developed MTOM enabled webservices using spring framework and based on wsdl i am able to tested client using SOAP UI and AXIS2 is working fine me but not working in axis 1.4. Kindly below error description for yours ref.

11 years ago
Dear team,

The below same configuration is working fine in without MTOM. While enabled mtom from server side and soupui(type=XOP) the same not working. Please find below details configuration for your ref.

11 years ago
what is the oracle driver version you are using?
Dear team,

We are getting below exception in java,

SQL state [99999]; error code [17026]; Numeric Overflow; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Numeric Overflow
java.sql.SQLException: Numeric Overflow
at oracle.jdbc.driver.NumberCommonAccessor.throwOverflow(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.NumberCommonAccessor.getInt(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSetImpl.getInt(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSet.getInt(
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingResultSet.getInt(

Dear team,

I have a websphere server configured in cluster environment, and I deploy more than one web applications in single domain( I am not able to access all applications in same browser tabs(Like IE...).

This is due to singe session id shared for same browser. To overcome this issue, I have created JSESSIONID programmatically and worked in JBOSS server.

Is it possible to create different JSESSIONID per context (web application) in Websphere server?

13 years ago
Dear All,

I think know issues for everyone.

My application is running in Spring MVC.I have below problem.

A user (USER A) logged-in to the site. After successful log-in, we have UserProfile object in session and we display username on browser title.

Another user (USER B) logged -in to the site. After his successful login, his username details displayed in his browser title-bar.

Problem is, if now I refresh the browser of USER A then, USER B username details get displayed in his browser title-bar. (USER B details displayed on USER A page)

This is banking application,so that customer need to login different userid at the same time.Please provide your comments to solve this issue.

Thanks in advance,
13 years ago
Thanks for all your information.

I have three userid,account in my application and each account is mapped to each userid.

I know the httpsession has shared browser specific. In that cause, Is it possible to check each account(userid) at time?


13 years ago

In a web-application implemented in Spring MVC.if I store information in the user session, this information is shared from all the tabs from the same browser. How to differ sessions in browser-tabs?

13 years ago
Dear team,

My application is running in spring MVC. we are using transaction template used only multiple insert or update statement.

For single table insert or update we are not using any transaction management.

Is it right or we need to handle transaction management for every statement(insert,update)..

13 years ago
Dear Team,

I got a below exception in websphere 7 System.log frequently,

Please advise for the same.

13 years ago
PFA of connection pool setting for your ref.

13 years ago
Thanks...YES.. database is working fine. The above errors occurs only during peak load.
13 years ago
Dear all,

In websphere i got a below exception in during the peak load. My application running on the spring MVC. I have defined datasource connection pool size is 50 and time out setting is 180 sec...

I have reviewed the native_stdout.log file, the Object.wait() is showing 299 thread and percentage of usages is 80%.

what could be the cause for the above errors?
Is it related to application or websphere server?

13 years ago
Hi all,

I need to know the feature of connectiontimeout setting for URLConnection. Can anyone provide concrete answer for my below questions:

1. When can we set connectiontimeout?
2. If I give some value in milliseconds for connectiontimeout, what will happen while connecting specific URL?
3. If I am unable to read my Inputstream after connection established, can connectiontimeout property take care of that particular connectivity?,else should we set property for readtimeout also?

example code:

13 years ago