kiran chirravuru

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since Nov 25, 2009
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Recent posts by kiran chirravuru

How to get Key at particular index using OGNL in struts2
14 years ago
I am having two nested iterators on is iterating using list and the other using map. The list contains all the ids and map contain
the id and value pair. So how get the value for the particular id using thes iterator . The following is the code

<s:iterator var="item" value="lstparentIds">
<s:iterator var="item" value="childmap">
<s:property />

14 years ago
I have used simple ajax call to get list of data from the server side and I am able to populate the values in
the list box but I am not able get the values on the form bean of struts2 the following is the way in which I populate
the list box

var option = document.createElement("Option")

Request you to kindly send me ajax code to populate the list box
14 years ago
I have developed web service using Axis it is running fine in Tomcat Web Server but when I deploying the same application in Weblogic 10 it is not working.
It is giving some Axis Servlet null pointer exception . I tried to set the classpath of the axis libraries in Weblogic but still is the web service is not running.
Kindly help me as this is serious issue.


14 years ago
I am doing encryption and decryption using AES when i am encrypting the values and passing them as parameters in the url on the
client side and try to decrypt them on the server side i am getting BadPaddingException .

Can anyone please help me

I want to open modal window in struts 2.0 .Kindly help me

Hello All
I am having ArrayList which contains another ArrayList which contains object of the a particular user class . Now how to iterate this List
using struts 2 <s:iterator> tag. I am able to iterate snormal arraylist.

Kindly help me

14 years ago
Hello I am using dojo date time picker but the problem is i am not able to increase the width of the date time picker using cssStyle attribute
how can increase it
Please help me
14 years ago
Thanks a lot
14 years ago
I have already used the <s:fielderror/> tag but all the field errors that are added are displayed in the jsp where i place the <s:fielderror> tag.
But i want individual field error when i place the <s:field error/> beside the particular field
14 years ago
I am using simple theme for my form and now i want to perform struts validation to my form.I using the validate method for it
and adding field errors.Now actually i want to display the field error beside my text fields .How to do it

14 years ago
I have a menu bar which is in header.jsp page.I have included it in all my jsp pages .Now the problem is how to highlight a particular menu option
that belongs to the current jsp page.

Please help me

15 years ago
I am not getting any exception when i run locally but when i run the web application on the remote tomcat application server as a service then i am getting The following is the code which i have used in the action class in struts 2.0

File srcfile = new File(srcfile path)----> this is the uploaded file path.
Then when i check for the existence of the file it gives error message that the file does not exist.

File desfile = new File(despath)-----> destination Path where i store my file.
Inputstream in = new Fileinputstream(srcfile)
byte[] arr = new byte[1024] ----> Here it gives file not found exception when i try to read the file.

I am not able trace the problem

Kindly help me it is major issue
15 years ago
When i try to upload document from the client machine i am getting .I used struts 2.0 for my web application and tomcat application server. Kindly help me

15 years ago
Hello Ankit

I want actually the country id in the action method to retrive the country data from database . If i am able to retrieve the country id then i can use it through url in my action class
method .I have generated the country list data using <s:iterate> tag

15 years ago