I am working on a web application which is not developed by me. This application is working fine on production server, however when i am deploying the same on a different environment, it is not working appropriately.
The web-application is using Struts, struts tiles, Struts bean etc tag-library.
The problem which I am reffering to:
JSP page is using the 'struts bean' tag library hence I am specifying the tag lib on the top as:
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
which is retrieveing the value by passing key as:
<bean:message key="key1"/>
When I am reffering the same jps it is throwing an error:
[ServletException in:layout.jsp] Missing message for key "key1"'
However when I am looking at the ApplicationResources.properties it is containing the key and value.
I understand that this is a very generic way of explaining the problem. I urge if someone, Could someone look at the problem suggest the pointer or at least revert and suggest more information if I am missing something.