Pallu Sagar

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since Dec 04, 2009
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Recent posts by Pallu Sagar

Hi Deepak,

Thanks for reply..

I found solution to it, It is bug in Weblogic10.3... they have provide patch to solve it...

14 years ago

While migrating weservice project from WL10.1 to WL10.3
Migration is successful and service is running fine but on server EAR has warnings, if I click it to expand; it shows following error

weblogic.application.ModuleException: Descriptor not found: META-INF/annotation-manifest.xml for app module null
at weblogic.application.config.ConfigDescriptorManager.parseMergedDescriptorBean(
at weblogic.application.config.DefaultEARModule.merge(
at weblogic.application.compiler.flow.CustomModuleFlow.initCustomModules(
at weblogic.application.compiler.flow.CustomModuleFlow.initCustomModules(
at weblogic.application.compiler.flow.CustomModuleFlow.compile(
at weblogic.application.compiler.FlowDriver$
at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
at weblogic.application.compiler.FlowDriver.nextState(
at weblogic.application.compiler.FlowDriver$CompilerFlowDriver.compile(
at weblogic.application.compiler.ReadOnlyEarMerger.merge(
at weblogic.application.compiler.flow.AppMergerFlow.mergeInput(
at weblogic.application.compiler.flow.AppMergerFlow.compile(
at weblogic.application.compiler.FlowDriver$
at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
at weblogic.application.compiler.FlowDriver.nextState(

Please help me to remove to this warning... is it a bug in WL10.3?
14 years ago

I am getting following error.. Tried all: '1' addresses, but could not connect over HTTP to server: '', port: '80'

it seems to be at the time of resolving DTD with external URL... Could anybody let me know how to configure in WebLogic so that it can access internet to resolve it.

Thanks in advance:)

15 years ago

I am using two way association... i.e. oneTomany and manyToone...
Case 1 > On oneTomany mapping I had set cascade=cascadeType.persist and cascade=cascadeType.merge...
When I tried to save parent object which also includes child's set with session.persist only parent object got persist not child collection.
Is this a how hibernate works? or this operation should persist child as well.
Case 2> On oneTomany mapping I had set cascade=cascadeType.All it persist both parent as well as child collection....

Please light on this operation of hibernate in both situations...

I have Composite Primary key and foreign key which is also composite key. one of the column is same...

i.e. Table Group has composite Id PRIMARY KEY(gId, cId) [ Where cId is primary key of other table ]

Now Table GroupMember has composite primary key PRIMARY KEY(gmid, cId ) [ Where cId is primary key of other table ].

GroupMember also has foreign key fkgroup REFERENCES Group(gid, cId) (which is composite key as mentioned above]

Now, when I attemt to save GroupMember instance, foreign key (fkgroup) is not inserted. In many-to-one relationship I cannot set insert=true because cId is part of primary key for both GroupMember and Group Table.

How do I persist column fkgroup of GroupMemeber table?

With the basic concept of Static binding and run-time binding,
you can profile you application Jprofiler to understand it more.
15 years ago
i mean to say if you have "Select, o.address from organisation o" in this kind of query you will not get you entity in would be pure resultset .

If query is "Select o.* from Organisation o" in this case you will get your entity in resultset.
Please chk your table relationship..seems to be strange for me..nyways...

If your query has select clause then you cant get 'Organisation' object resultset... query would return you a resultset...
Then you have to write your own QueryResutSet mapper for mapping / binding...

Simple way to do is remove select clause and identify your fetching strategies...and apply those on collection
you can try this way

Wite javascript which will read the clicked value (i.e cell values) and set that value to the hidden field on jsp... and in action get that hidden fields value.

15 years ago

"does an object get created on the heap if i call a static method of a class."

If you call static method on class of object, it is just reference of class it wont allocate any memory.
If you call it on object, certainly while creating object of call it will allocate memory for it.

15 years ago

Could you please elaborate the things.. what all processes you have done kind of thing...
Or my suggestion go for 'Castor' tool, it provides you marshalling and un-marshalling.
find following link for more details Castor
Hello instead of using date pattern as "'.'yyyy-MM-dd-HH" use "'.'yyyy-MM-dd".
yeah, does it solved your prob ?
15 years ago
find . -exec grep "www.athabasca" '{}' \; -print
This command will search in the current directory and all sub directories. All files that contain the string will have their path printed to standard output.

If you want to just find each file then pass it on for processing use the -q grep option. This finds the first occurrance of the search string. It then signals success to find and find continues searching for more files.

find . -exec grep -q "www.athabasca" '{}' \; -print

15 years ago

Use JProfiler, is best tool to analyse you application as in memory footprint

15 years ago