Deepak Sahu

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since Dec 08, 2009
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Recent posts by Deepak Sahu

Hi All ,

Can someone please provide me the information about the average salary per month of 5+ Years Of Experence Java Devloper in USA .
9 years ago
Hi All,

Can someone clarify my following doubt.

HashMap hm =new HashMap();


System.out println(hm.get(null));

Output -Laxman

My dobut is while using hm.get(null) ,It should thow NullPointerException.But output coming as "Laxman" .Can Someone clarify it for me.
10 years ago
Hi All,

Can someone explain me how hashmap internally stores two or more than two objects in same bucket ,whose hashcode values are same .
10 years ago
Hi all,

Can someone explain one scenario where we will use a abstract class without having abstract method ?
10 years ago
Hi Bear Bibeault ,

I mean " Real World" .

Please tell me

In real world, If we need to devlope a JAX-WS webservice we need to generate these supporting binding files and wsdl in commnd prompt by using Wsgen tool and moves those files to corresponding location of eclipse and follow the next steps to devlope complete web service or Is there any other way it will be devloped in real time like tool will l generates these supporting binding files and wsdl automatically rather than command prompt ?
10 years ago
Hi Bear Bibeault ,

Here real time ,I mean "IT Industry or Real World" .
10 years ago
Hi Everyone ,

I am new to Java Webservice .

Please clarify my following points of Web Service.

I have gone through on certain sites in internet for devloping Jax-WS webservice(Contract Last ) .It is mentioned there that we need to create the supporting binding files in command prompt by giving the config.xml file to Wsgen tool after that we will use those files by putting the corresponding folder in eclipse and follow the next steps (already given there) to devlope complete web service.

My doubt is

In real time , If we need to devlope a JAX-WS webservice we need to generate these supporting binding files and wsdl in commnd prompt by using Wsgen tool and moves those files to corresponding location of eclipse and follow the next steps to devlope complete web service or Is there any other way it will be devloped in real time like tool will l generates these supporting binding files and wsdl automatically rather than command prompt ?
10 years ago
Hi All,

Can someone give the clarrification of the following question ?

String s1="abc";
String s2=new String("abc");
I found that s1.hashCode()=s2.hashCode() although both are different objects ?Can someone explain me why s1.hashCode()=s2.hashCode() ?
10 years ago
Hi All,

I want to learn web services.Please someone provide information regarding Good books as well as link for webservices for a beginner .
13 years ago
Hi All,

I have 3 yrs experience in java/j2ee in an Indian Company.I am interested to work in Singapore.Please someone provide information regarding how to search and apply java/j2ee job for Singapore .
13 years ago
Hi All ,

Please anyone help me for this issue .

Issue -

There are two linux servers say( and both the server we have installed our product of same build. There is one feature like clicking one tab it will enable or disable some other tabs.If we use IE6 and IE7 that works fine in both the server.But in case of IE8
that works fine in ,but that feature is not working .Please someone provide me some pointers regarding solving this issue.
13 years ago
Hi All,

I have a code for a dropdown list of 1-31.

<html:select styleId="fullTimingDay" property="fullTimingDay" size="1" >

<html:option value="1">01</html:option>

<html:option value="2">02</html:option>

<html:option value="3">03</html:option>

<html:option value="4">04</html:option>

<html:option value="5">05</html:option>

<html:option value="6">06</html:option>

<html:option value="7">07</html:option>

<html:option value="8">08</html:option>

<html:option value="9">09</html:option>

<html:option value="10">10</html:option>

<html:option value="11">11</html:option>

<html:option value="12">12</html:option>

<html:option value="13">13</html:option>

<html:option value="14">14</html:option>

<html:option value="15">15</html:option>

<html:option value="16">16</html:option>

<html:option value="17">17</html:option>

<html:option value="18">18</html:option>

<html:option value="19">19</html:option>

<html:option value="20">20</html:option>

<html:option value="21">21</html:option>

<html:option value="22">22</html:option>

<html:option value="23">23</html:option>

<html:option value="24">24</html:option>

<html:option value="25">25</html:option>

<html:option value="26">26</html:option>

<html:option value="27">27</html:option>

<html:option value="28">28</html:option>

<html:option value="29">29</html:option>

<html:option value="30">30</html:option>

<html:option value="31">31</html:option>


Instead of writing 31 times <html:select> </html:select>,please anyone provide solution to achieve this in a scalable way so that by writing less no of code we can achieve this.

13 years ago
Hi Everybody can someone provide me the Java code for converting seconds into Days ,Hours and Minutes

for example

1 Day 2 Hr 20 Min =24*60*60 + 2*60*60 + 20*60= 94800 Seconds

Similarly if we input 94800, the output should be 1 Day 2 Hr 20 Min

13 years ago
Hi All ,

Please someone provide the javascript code for validation of a input number .

Conditions -

If we input like 0005 ,it should throw error ,but if we input 5 it should not throw any error (It means zeroes are not allowed before any number) .

If we input 0,it should not throw any error (Single zero is allowed ).

Hi All ,

Please someone provide the javascript code for validation of a input number .

Conditions -

If we input like 0005 ,it should throw error ,but if we input 5 it should not throw any error (It means zeroes are not allowed before any number) .

If we input 0,it should not throw any error (Single zero is allowed ).

It will be very helpful if someone provides validation code with checking zeroes from the beginning with the help of Regular Expression