deep raj

Ranch Hand
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since Dec 11, 2009
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Recent posts by deep raj

m using apache tomcat web server
and i know to import html file into jsp page..
i want to import it in html also??
i have created header.html
in my website, i want that this page must included at top.
how is that possible?
can we include html into html page
if yes can anyone tell me
i tried this
<!--#include virtual="ots/header.html" -->
but not included
no its not certified exam question
13 years ago
<!--#include file="aa.html"-->
what container do with above code snippets?
a. includes file statically
b include dynamically
c. throw exception
d. passes the line of code through to the client

i think its c
because include attribute includes files either statically or dynamically
but here is the error in code
correct code is
<% @ include file="aa.html"%>

what do you think?
13 years ago
is there another method to get next record after click on next button?
13 years ago
why did you give those links/
my problem is only that
how can get next record from database only when click on a button
13 years ago
i want to make next button
when i click this only then loop run
13 years ago

but it not go to next record
can anyone help me?
13 years ago
i hav solved the problem using union
how can we store user at server side
13 years ago
a table has 4 fields
in which of them two fields are dates-date1 and date2
i want to merge these two fields and show all fields except these two
difficulty is at-store user name at server side
is there separate cookies given to each user OR a single cookie store all users
13 years ago
i want to get those tuples whose value in a attribute is not assigned
that attribute type is int