Kee Kee moon

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since Dec 11, 2009
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Recent posts by Kee Kee moon

Jayesh A Lalwani wrote:Once you have jars in your local maven repo, maven uses the jars from the local file system. It doesn't have to connect to the internet to get them again. You only need to download them once.

Are you saying the first time I have to use the following Syntex to obtain jars through Internet ?


Thank you for your help.
10 years ago


I can add the following dependency into pom.xml to add jars and others file into Maven repository, but what if I cannot connect to internet for security reason.
Is it possible that I can install spring framework manually and how to do it. Thank you very much for your help.

10 years ago

koilraj abraham wrote:I Agree with Tyson Lindner, You need to pass both OCAJP 7 and OCPJP 7 then only you will be certified as Oracle Certified Programmer, if you feel you don't want to take two exams then go for OCPJP 6.

Thank you very much for providing the information to me.
Do I have to pass OCAJP 7 in order to take OCPJP 7 ?


I don't have Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE Programmer I certification. Can I take Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE Programmer II without taking Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE Programmer I?

Thank you for your help.


Tyson Lindner wrote:

Ulf Dittmer wrote:
As Tyson said, the string is never set in Test2 instance used in Test3, so it is null. That has nothing at all to do with whether that field is static or non-static, the result would be the same in either case.

No, if str2 is static the output is always "this is a test2". A new object being initialized won't change the current static value back to the default value. To further answer OP's question, a static modifier means that when the value changes it changes for all instances of that object.

If you want to ensure that all objects have a non-static value that is the same, you have to iterate through every object and check/set that value.

Thank you.
I cannot use static, but I need to get the value. Can you give me some examples how to work it out. Thanks again.
My friend and I have been debated about this, in the beginning I was clear about this. As now, I am really confused and feel dumb.
11 years ago
My question is. If I use static, I can get the string value, but I cannot use static.
I know I did not init the string and will get null. I got stuck with static and non-static.
Thanks again.
11 years ago
This is a dum question, but I could not figure it out. Please shed a light.
Why are get str: null and test2Str: null, if I use non-static for private String str2; in class Test2.

Only If I use static, the string will not be null. This occurs in my project, I cannot use static. Please help.

the output as below:

set string: this is a test2
get str2: null
test2Str: null



11 years ago

I use eclipse rcp and I have to add a project into my current project plugin dependencies.
Please help, how to add another project into my current project plugin dependencies.

Thanks a lot.

Saif Asif wrote:Greetings ,

Personally I dont like the fact of putting hard coded paths inside my java classes. I put all such paths in a properties file and read them from the properties file. Secondly what problem are you facing ? I mean you specified the path as "/path/to/icons/icon_name.png" and java couldnt find the file ( threw a FileNotFoundException) or there is some other issue ?

I have to get the icon that is under another project folder named icons folder.
If you know how to get it, please let me know.
11 years ago


I have an icon is in other project folder named icons.
How do I set the path as below:

private String ICON_PATH = "....../icons/icon_name.png";

Thanks for your help.
11 years ago

I am new in SWT, please help.

I have a button on top of the GU window, at the bottom of the UI window is a Group.
In the Group, there is an icon at the left, a text string right after the icon, line up in one row.

I have to switch the text string and icon after pushing the button, it will become the text string before the icon line up in one row.

11 years ago

I need to make the ListViewer rows background color, such as white and gray, odd rows are white and even rows are gray.
Please shed a light.

Thanks a lot.
11 years ago

Please help.

As soon as we create a java project through Eclipse, it generates JRE System Library folder automatically but how to create a Plug-in Dependencies folder,
so I can add jar files into Plug-in Dependencies folder in the java project.

Thanks a lot.


Please help.
I have the following code in my Servlet program
PrintWriter.println("<button type="button" onclick="display();">Display</button>");

I like to click the button "Display" to open a java GUI, JFrame or JPanel etc.


12 years ago

Paul Clapham wrote:No, you don't. It's none of your business where the file was uploaded from.

However if you think it is, then go ahead and explain why.

I need the upload full path, so I can pass into a function which requires full path string.

12 years ago