Mithun Mohandas

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since Dec 20, 2009
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Hi Arhaan,

If you're confident about your Java fundamentals, the best thing to do would be to read Kathy and Bert's guide to SCJP. You can find this in most bookstores. You can order it online as well (I've posted a link to Flipkart assuming that you're in India; you can find it in other online bookstores as well). If you're a Java beginner, I'd suggest that you first work through something like 'Head First Java' and then move on to SCJP preparation once you're confident enough.

And as for passing the exam by the end of April, it depends on your speed of learning and how many hours you can put in each day. I'd recommend that you don't overdose yourself just to clear the examination. Make sure that you're very clear about each concept before moving on to the next one. The books I've mentioned above do a pretty good job of explaining the concepts to you in the simplest way possible. Lemme know if you have any questions. Good luck!

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13 years ago