Marco Bresciani wrote:
Oh, ok.So I can continue using the tool I'm working with. It's the non commercial version of Software Ideas Modeler and seems quite complete and it also exports in JPG, PNG, ...
I'll take care using href instead of img tags. Instead, text and notes and description of the diagrams can be added in the index or other HTML pages, right?
joey cole wrote:Hi guys,
I am preparing for my OCMJEA part 2 (Dreamcar assignment) resubmission. I failed my class and deployment diagrams. I would really appreciate it if I could get some feedback on the following:
Class diagrams (25/40)
missing ejb/explanation class-level details - I am not sure what this means; I did display my EJB/MDB annotations using UML comments. Any suggestions on what else is there to display?
joey cole wrote:
Deployment diagram (13/24)
missing complete platform profile details such as web/app server, OS, RDBMS, etc. - I provided basic hardware configurations such as operating system, memory, hard disk, JDK. Anything else I should be including?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!