Mike Pirrone

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since Oct 30, 2001
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any websites or books anyone can reccomend on data structures in java? i'm taking the class next summer at my school but want to get a head start now. thanks
22 years ago
lol thanks guys for the help. im going to pay for the cattle drive and take data structures in the summer. haha
22 years ago
I am almost finished a java class over at my college but am still kind of weary about taking the data structures class which is a continuation of what im doing now. my question is. if i were to pay the money and do the assigments would i be better prepared for the class? im thinking of holding off on it until the summer if i do that. thanks
22 years ago
here is an update. I wrote my class to get the data info and put that into an array. I attempted to write my constructor method for the class called Student and did this

I made the grade an int since we are only using whole numbers. then in side my get info method I am doing the following based on the help I received from a previous post.

everything compiles fine but when I attempt to instansiate an object from this class in my main class I get a "cannot resolve symbol" error. What exactly am I doing wrong? I was thinking I could put the prompt for the number of grades to be entered in the main class and just have the getStudent information mehtod just get the information for the firstname, lastname, and grade and call that mehtod in the for loop for each element of the array. thanks for all the help to at least get me started on this.
22 years ago
i'm not, im using an array of objects.
22 years ago
my apologies for the delayed response. At first I asked the user to enter the number of students, based on that answer using the readLine method, I was going to put that in a for loop to prompt for the first name, last name, and grade. We are learninga bout declaring an array of objects so this is fairly new to me. I had no idea, you could declare each variable (last, first, grade) into its own array and then sort that, I thought. you had to have a 3 X 3 array like the 2nd post stated. At any rate I was going to put all of that into one big class but my teacher was saying to use a sort class (which I have coded for a selection sort - thats his specification) and a student class which sets the last , first, and grade, then a toString() method to display the array. I'll get started on this and keep you updated on my progress. Thank you for the help and at least getting me started. This is why I find java so fun because its so challening. Later on
22 years ago
i'm doing this program for my java class that will sort a list of grades in descending order for a class of students. I have the logic and everything ready to go but am having troubles with one thing. How in the World do I put the input the user enters into an array?
1st - Program Asks for the number of students to be entered. (I put that answer into a for loop).
2nd - Program Asks for First Name
3rd - Program Asks for Second Name
4th - Program Asks for Grade
Then with that info I sort it. I'm writing a student class that will do all of the name and grade information for me but like I said I'm having troubles putting that info into an array. any help would be greatly appreciated.
22 years ago
ok i figured it out! wow, you dive into something and you don't want to stop. I started this thing about 4 hours ago and finally figured everything out and the program is up and running perfect. thank you so much for helping me out javaranch! i greatly appreciate it.
22 years ago
i have everything up and running smoothly but just one problem. for my user output it will output how many of each vowel/characters there are after each individual character.
for example if i enter "AEIOU" I will get
1 A 0 E 0 I 0 O 0 U 0 other characters
0 A 1 E 0 I 0 O 0 U 0 other characters
0 A 0 E 1 I 0 O 0 U 0 other characters
0 A 0 E 0 I 1 O 0 U 0 other characters
0 A 0 E 0 I 0 O 1 U 0 other characters
I want the output to occur for the entire string on one line. here is my code for the for loop with the switch.

im not asking for anyone to code for me, just wanting to know where I am going wrong. My first guess was that as the variable i was incremented in the for loop it printed out the statments each time it was incremented in the loop. So I tried putting the statements outside the for loop but when I did that, it said it did not regonize the counters. thanks for any help
22 years ago
i wish i could do it that easily but our professor is requiring us to use a switch statement and a while statement. thats an awesome way to do it though. i wish i could.
22 years ago
thank you i really appreciate it. ill keep you updated on my progress.
22 years ago
my apologies. This is for my OOP class at UNF in jax, fl.
the program asks the user to enter a string . for example, lets say i enter "Hello World". The program would out put there are 0 A's, 1 E, 0 I's, 2 O's, 0 U's, and 8 other characters (including spaces). does that help ? thanks
22 years ago
I am to create a program that asks the user to enter a string in any combination. Once the string is entered the number of each vowel in the string is outputed as well as the remaining nonvowel characters (including spaces). I pseudocoded and planned out how I am going to do the program. My only question though, how do I compare the string to my case structure that will have a separate counter for each vowel and the remaining characters. Is there a method in Java I can use? Thanks so much.
22 years ago
are there any cobol or flash help sites as informative as this one? I can honestly say Java would not have been as easy/fun if it wasn't for this web site.
22 years ago
Ok, that works. I am ready to send out the money. I have another question. Next summer I'm going to be eligible for the co-op program at my school in Jax, FL. (UNF) Its basically a paid internship through my school. Now along with a good GPA and possibly a certification, do you think that would increase my chances of attaining a co-op? thanks so much
22 years ago