my apologies for the delayed response. At first I asked the user to enter the number of students, based on that answer using the readLine method, I was going to put that in a for loop to prompt for the first name, last name, and grade. We are learninga bout declaring an array of objects so this is fairly new to me. I had no idea, you could declare each variable (last, first, grade) into its own array and then sort that, I thought. you had to have a 3 X 3 array like the 2nd post stated. At any rate I was going to put all of that into one big class but my teacher was saying to use a sort class (which I have coded for a selection sort - thats his specification) and a student class which sets the last , first, and grade, then a toString() method to display the array. I'll get started on this and keep you updated on my progress. Thank you for the help and at least getting me started. This is why I find java so fun because its so challening. Later on