Gerry Mueller

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since Dec 30, 2009
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Recent posts by Gerry Mueller

Oh my God! you allready did it

I think i have to improve my english!

Thanks for all
14 years ago
Hi Eric,

I didn't know you are one of the webmaster of this nice site. So you are wrigth, we say that, then I'll in this case be have help from people who understand the topic.

I'am really not have a bad intention. Look at my precedent post. I allready once post a topic concern this subject.

You can now take a look in the security forum. I am going to post my topic there.

Thanks for doing this job!
14 years ago
Hi Eric,

may be. But I think it also consern jsp-module on tomcat server engine.

The time you take to answer this, you also should give an answer.

thanks for any idea
14 years ago
I Guys,

I have another problem. I make settings for j_escurity_check for the folder secureFolder

Now for security reasons I also want to set security-constraints for an area within secureFolder. for exemple all files within secureFolder/moreSecureFolder

Do anybody knows how to do this?

Thanks for any idea!
14 years ago
Hi Guys,

I solve the problem adding a hidden field (with the same name <forms>) in each forms. Each of those field has a different value (for example form1, form2, form3, ...).
So i can now check which form was clicked getting parameter with request.getParameter("forms");.

That is the easier way to solve the problem i think.


I am there again!

I have more than 1 form in a jsp page. How can I know which forms was clicked at once?

Please help!!!
Hi Guys,

thanks a lot for your usefull tips. That's true. I use mod_jk and worker's setting to do it. But there were a little strong!

14 years ago
Hello java-ranchers,

I have a problem and It'll be very nice if someone have and idea how to solve this problem.

I programmed a webapplication with tomcat (v. 6.x) on eclipse. Now I want to put the application on a Apache server of our firm.

But whe do it, jsp-code are still shown in the html-page. The most of my pages are jsp-pages and Apache webserver don't recognize them.

How can I make this possible?

Thanks a lot for any answer.
14 years ago

thank you for your answer.
I tried it wiht displaytag-library, but it didn't work:

I write this code on my jsp-page

In this code, my table name is "lieferanten". But i got an error on TestList(10, false) (is red underlined)!
when pointing the mouse on it, it show: "TestList can't be resolved to a type"!!
Ans the tag "display:table" is yellow underlined on <display:table name="lieferanten" />
HI Johnson,

excuse you're correct!

In the fact, the problem concert the foreign key. When setting a foreign key the primary key in the index-table (here lieferanten and key login)
must be the first column.

I got it when enter the following command in the MySQL Command Line Client: "show innodb status" and read the paragrap
last innodb error or something like that.

then my tables now look like follow:;

CREATE TABLE Lieferanten(
login varchar(15) NOT NULL,
P_Id int(8) NOT NULL,
firm varchar(50) NOT NULL,
contact_person varchar(50) NOT NULL,
telefon varchar(20) NOT NULL,
pwd varchar(15) NOT NULL,
email varchar(20) NOT NULL,



CREATE TABLE Lieferanten_roles(
login varchar(15) NOT NULL,
roles varchar(10) NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (login) references lieferanten(login)
on update cascade on delete cascade);

And it work!
Bye bye!
Thank for your answer. I am working under windows.
But I solve the problem proceeding otherweise.

Hi Guys and Ladies(of course!)

I created the table lieferanten successfully! Like this

Now when try to create the table "lieferanten_roles" I got this error:

mysql> CREATE TABLE Lieferanten_roles(
-> login varchar(15) NOT NULL,
-> roles varchar(10) NOT NULL,
-> FOREIGN KEY (login) references lieferanten(login)
-> on update cascade on delete cascade);
ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table 'webapp.lieferanten_roles' (errno: 150)

I know there is a problem with the foreign key occured. But I can not check it

Do anybody have an idea?
It works!

Thanks for your aswer.
14 years ago

@How do you do ? I hoppe well.
First of all I wanted to wish all users of this nice forum a happy new year!

I recently developp a webapp wiht security constraints settings. As you perhaps now it, it work with j_security_check on the
action-value of the form. The form hat two folders: a login-folder and a password-folder like use by j_security_check. That means
as names: j_username and j_paswword.

Now I want to get the loggin name of the logged user (on success). for some work on the next page
I tried:

But I allway got NULL on the string variable login !!!

Can anybody help me solve my problem?
14 years ago
Hi Tim,

Thanks for the response.

I had holyday, but i currently back to my job.
I understand what you say, but no correctly. Please what do you mean with webapp's Context definition?

Where must i define the Realm?
where must i define the security constraints?

The Realms are now stored in server.xml. Must i erase all this Realms? And where must i write each of them?
I don't understand what you mean with Webapp's context. My Tomcat folder (webapps) doesn't have a webpp-name like showing in eclipse

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15 years ago