Misha van Tol

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since Jan 02, 2010
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A.java, so the JRE can find the main method and knows where to start. But the B class is going to give you an error like this. Since you've declared the B class to be public it should be in it's own file called B.java. If you remove 'public' it will compile and run.
14 years ago
You can use the adb tool to setup a remote shell.
In the shell you can run the sqlite3 command.

14 years ago
I stand corrected, which proves never to rely solely on what you read on the web.
Nevertheless, I still find the SAX approach - if you get past the initial learning curve - the easier way.

BTW, besides the org.w3c.dom.Text approach it is actually possible to grab the data directly:

14 years ago
I'm currently working on an app that reads several xml files from a server. At first glance the DocumentBuilder approach looked easiest. But if you take some time to dive into the matter, you'll probably find the SAX approach more clear and in the end easier to use. At least I did. Also, at a certain point I needed to fetch data between open- and close tags and the DocumentBuilder approach can't do that .
14 years ago
Let us see what code you have so far, or show some pseudo-code of what you have in mind.
Then we can discuss it here.
14 years ago
Why are you using a hard-coded path? There's no guaranty an other device will use the same directory structure. If you read the link I mentioned, you'll find the correct way.

1. Call openFileOutput() with the name of the file and the operating mode. This returns a FileOutputStream.
2. Write to the file with write().
3. Close the stream with close().

Easy does it, let the system figure out where to put the file.

14 years ago
Here you can find detailed info on storing data on internal and external storage. BTW, I would use external memory for audio files since they tend to be quite big. Generally speaking devices have more external than internal storage space.
14 years ago

David O'Meara wrote:I see those too but had already learnt to mentally filter them out

I'm afraid I'm mentally not strong enough.

Ernest Friedman-Hill wrote:I don't see them. I just did a little experimenting, and it turns out that AdBlock Pro is filtering them out for me. If you use Firefox, you should get it!

Yes!, I found an working AdBlock for chrome.
14 years ago
Sure, here's a screenshot. I'm pretty sure it's an Google ad.
It's possible they are trying it out small to see how people react. I was expecting to see more complaints on twitter.
14 years ago
I don't mind the adword adverts on the right side, but this new one is on the bottom of each mail thread. And it's a bit pinkish.
I like the idea of being able to read my mail on various computer, I use it on my work mac, linux netbook and android phone.
Google, just create an ad-free version and let me pay $20 per year or so. Or does somebody know a better cloud mail service without ads?
14 years ago
You haven't removed the TabHost as I suggested. In the logcat you can see it's the TabHost that's throwing the NullPointerException. (see line 3)
You either implement the entire TabHost completely (if you want a tabbed view) or remove it if you're not using it.
14 years ago
I see it happening now, It's a problem (bug) of the soft keyboard. It's working fine with the keyboard using the emulator, but when you use the soft keyboard the listener is only called when you press return or delete. As far a I can see using the TextWatcher is the best workaround.
14 years ago

While that's a possibility, I think it's unlikely to be the cause of the problem if the application worked fine on some other device.
Make sure that either GPS or network location is enabled on your device under "Settings -> Location and Security".

Ulf is right here. (I was checking with enabledOnly set to false)
So, just check for null-results while getting the location and keep in mind that there's always a possibility that it's impossible to get a location and make sure your app can handle those situations gracefully.
14 years ago
As far as I can see it looks like you haven't set permissions to use the GPS in your manifest.

14 years ago
Really annoying ads started to appear in my Gmail mail-threads
14 years ago