Hi all,
I'm attempting to define a JBoss to Weblogic bridge, and having a tough time of it.
I get a CNFE (java.lang.
Exception) attempting to load the weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory class.
My environment is this:
Linux CentOS v5.4
JBoss 5.1.0GA installed from jboss-5.1.0.GA-jdk6.zip, running a copy of "default" JBoss server configuration.
java version "1.6.0_17"
Weblogic 8.1 SP3 running under Java v1.4 on a different host.
I've tried just deploying my app-bridge-service.xml file with the Weblogic wlclient.jar and wljmsclient.jar in the server/xxx/lib directory.
I've tried packaging my app-bridge-service.xml and the above jars into a .jar file (and removing the wl*.jar files from server/xxx/lib directory) and still get the same issue.
The app-bridge.jar structure looks like this:
Below is the JBoss console output from my app-bridge.jar testcase:
My Weblogic JMS provider is configured as such:
My bridge is configured as such:
I've setup Classloader logging, and below are excerpts (grep WLInitial ucl.log) of what I see (this file is huge, let me know if you need more detail):
What caught my eye in the above was this statement:
[996607,BaseClassLoader,Thread-18] BaseClassLoader@11903ab{vfszip:/home/dh3235/jboss/bridge/deploy/app-bridge.jar/}
resource is blacklisted weblogic/jndi/WLInitialContextFactory .class
I haven't been able to figure out how to un-blacklist this and make it work (though I have seen thru the JMX console that I can unblacklist a class, and have tried that, but I still get the CNFE). Not sure if I'm on the right track here or not... If I am, is there any good docs on Classloader blacklisting? My googling hasn't produced anything of value...
So, I'm reaching out for help here.