I do not know how to do. Can you please advise me how to resolve? My requirement is
1. I have three columns in the logic:iterate tag contains 10 records currently but it can change dynamically
InputValue, Customer ID (this is a hyper link), Customer Name
2. I want to recognize that record either user enters any value in the InputValue column or click on that link
Example 1
InputValue Customer ID Customer Name
101010 Test1
101011 Test2
101013 Test3
If I click on the second link from customer ID, then I should recognize the complete record (Null, 101011, Test2)
Example 2
InputValue Customer ID Customer Name
101010 Test1
101011 Test2
Input3 101013 Test3
If I enter the value in the third record, then I should recognize the complete record (Input3, 101013, Test3)
My JSP code