sumit malik

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since Oct 31, 2001
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Recent posts by sumit malik

is it possible to run struts on tomcat 3.1
if yes then please tell me how to run that ..
thanks in advance
22 years ago
hi friends..i hav one problem.
say i hav one table "emp_name" that contains 100 records but most of the records are duplicate for example
.....this way it stores hundered records.
now i want to delete all the duplicate records means i want only one entry against "a" and all other "a" should be deleted ..wats the query for this...
thanks in advance.
22 years ago

Originally posted by Remar Uy:
select *
from emp
where rownum < 11

thanx...but i think this is not a proper solution ...i guess there r some functions like TOP to fetch rows...and how can i fetch last 40 rows ..using this method..
22 years ago
i hav one simple but ?? problem..can any one tell me how to fetch first 10 or last 20 rows from a table which contains 100 records...
thanx in advance...
22 years ago
hi folks....
can u ppl tell me the procedure to connect sql server with jdbc.
thanx in advance
Please tell me how to migrate SQlserver 2000 database to Oracle 8i.
If through Sql loader than how to do it plz. tell me the code.
Is there any tool for such type of
migration also.
22 years ago
hi Beksy,
Thanks for ths code.I tried to use this code , the procedure is compiling but when i am executing the procedure it's not executed because it's not finding the directory.
could u tell why is this so.
sumit malik

Originally posted by Beksy Kurian:
These are the steps to insert an image into a blob column.
Step 1.
Create a table to store the blobs:
create table blobs
( id varchar2(255),
blob_col blob

Step 2.
Create a logical directory in the database to the physical file system:
create or replace directory MY_FILES as 'c:\images';

Step 3.
Create a procedure to load the blobs from the file system using the logical directory.

create or replace procedure insert_img as
f_lob bfile;
b_lob blob;
insert into blobs values ( 'MyGif', empty_blob() )
return blob_col into b_lob;
f_lob := bfilename( 'MY_FILES', 'whateverimage.gif' );
dbms_lob.fileopen(f_lob, dbms_lob.file_readonly);
dbms_lob.loadfromfile( b_lob, f_lob, dbms_lob.getlength(f_lob) );
Hope it helps

22 years ago

Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
In fact, it uses RMI over IIOP.

but wats the difference between the two....
hi friends....
These days i'm facing an unusual problem..
i hav pc, whose configuration is P-4, 256 MB ram,40 GB HDD...
from the last few days i was trying to install oracle on my machine , but i was not able to installed it..i hav tried to run setup directly from cd and by copying the whole cd in my HDD i.i by dump...but its not running...right now i hav windows 2000 professional as an os on my machine..but i tried it on server edition also ...
actually the problem is ..whenever i double click on setup icon or autorun icon, it nither run nor givs any error message...
help me out of this....
looking for positives responses....
22 years ago
hi friends
can anybody tell me the (two line) difference between RMI abd EJB....
hi folks...can somebody tell me how to insert images and sound files in oracle table (using lobs) and to retrive them....
thanx in advance...
22 years ago
can anybody tell me how to make EXE in java we do it in VB...thanz in advance..
23 years ago
hi to all,
can anybody tell me the basic difference between RMI and EJB ..and why EJB is preferred...
hi ...i'm using oracle's soundex function in my sql query , but it's not solving my purpose .I want to make my search more refined.
for eg if i search for "vasant vihar" it gives most of the words starting with "v" but ideally it should giv only terms related with "vasant"
i want to use more refined search..
pls hurry up folks!!
23 years ago
hi ...i'm using oracle's soundex function in my sql query , but the problem is that sometimes it works fine but sometimes it returns rows which i dont want ..and there is no excat pattern matching...of words..
for eg if i search for "vasant vihar" it gives me all the words starting with "v" but ideally it should giv only terms related with "vasant"
i want to use more refined search..
pls hurry up folks!!