Rohithaksha Kalluraya

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since Jan 12, 2010
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Recent posts by Rohithaksha Kalluraya

Yeah! That error suggests database server is not listening on localhost.

Sorry! I am not sure how to fix that. That should be some setting in the database side and not anything to do with hibernate settings. Database administration related forums might help you.
Its possible that your database server is not listening on localhost (loopback device). To verify that you can do

which returns an error if your database server is not listening on localhost.


I have a requirement where I need to filter the duplicate records at the persistence layer.

I have a Person table in my database with columns First Name, Last Name, Address, etc...
In my persistence layer I need to put in a logic that handles duplicate records, specifically, I need to filter the duplicate names (which are combination of first name and last name).

Does anyone know if JPA / Hibernate provides any feature to do this?

Thank You!
Does "JBoss Application Server 5.0 and above" support any server crash handling mechanism?

If JBoss crashes when some transaction is in progress, I would like to continue that transaction when JBoss comes back online. I have EJB3's and some MDBs deployed into the JBoss server and its running on Linux platform.

14 years ago
It looks like your database does not support


data type. You probably should try changing it to


14 years ago
Use view and verify the content. If this fails, your war file is certainly corrupt.
14 years ago
Thank You for the reply!

Let me rephrase the question. I have a page "page1", that page has a form (where user can enter details, ex., account creation form). I don't want to do a frontend validation using javascript, but would like to use MVC framework that validates and remembers the user input even if the user does not submit that form. Closest example of this I can think of is, gmail that keeps saving the composed emails. Even if user loses connections or forgets to send the email, that email will be saved and can be retrieved from Drafts folder.

Thanks again!
14 years ago
I am using struts framework.

I have page1, page2, etc.
On page1 there is a link to navigate to page2. Also there is a form on page1 that user fills in and submits. If user enters details on this form and clicks on the page2 link without submitting the form I would like to prompt the user whether he wants to save or not. If user says yes, I need to save the form and stay in the same page. If user says no, I need to proceed to next page without saving it. I want to do this action in the web-tier.


14 years ago
kavitha shanmugam:

Go through the link "Madhavi Venna" has provided above.
14 years ago
I have 10 years of experience (3 years in USA and remaining in Bangalore, worked for fortune 500 companies, CMM Level V companies, etc.). I am a senior level programmer primarily in Java/J2EE (eCommerce) currently in USA and planning to relocate to Bangalore for good.

How much salary can I expect in Bangalore considering current job market situation in Bangalore?

Appreciate your suggestions!
14 years ago